Chapter 30

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Nina's POV

Later that night I had a dream. I was in some sort of spiritual world. there was ghosty figures flying around me and the air was thin. The background was a fire red with a lake over to my left that was just flowing with fire.

I walked strait ahead of the path I was on, and into a golden palace.

When I entered there were guards with a head of a bird whom were saying "my princess" and bowing to me.
As I walked on by I entered a room with Jewels, but it looked exactly like the treasure room in the tunnels.

"Welcome Chosen One" I heard a voice echo.
I turned around to see Cleopatra sitting on a thrown.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"The afterlife dear" she said walking toward me. "have you found my necklace?"

"N-no" I hesitated. "we are trying our best"

"You don't have much time. You must find it or..." she stopped.

"Or what?" I asked.

"Or my sister will be unleashed and with her dark magic as well" she explained.

"Who is your sister?"

"She is the forgotten ruler. It's a curse to say here name." she said.

"Senkara?" I asked.

"You know her well child?" She asked.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered.

"You must find it chosen one or she will be unleashed. and when that happens you will be sorry" she told me.
Then the scene changed.

I was in mine and Ambers room and Gran was beside me, holding my hand.

"Gran! I'm scared" I pouted.

"Don't worry dear. Believe in yourself and remember, I am always with you." and then she disappeared.

The next morning I woke up and went to the bathroom to get dressed.

When I entered the bathroom Cleo was in there. She looked at me with a smirk.

"Hello Nina" she said.

"Uh hey" I said back keeping my distances.

"Listen. I know you don't like me because I kissed Fabian. But I just couldn't help it. He is so dreamy" she said looking off in the distance.

"I'm not worried about that at he moment. Ammit. I know what you are and who you are. so stay away from me!!." And with that I ran out of the
Room and back to my room.
Eddies POV

At breakfast everyone was there except Patricia. After about 8 minutes later she came in. She wouldn't dare look
At me. She came in, sat down at the end of the table next to Joy, and played with her food.
She only glanced at me once but with a evil look that I've never seen before.

What am I supported to do? She is my bride to be! We are destined to be together.

'Eddie don't worry about it' I heard Nina say in my head.
I looked over at her.

'How did you know?' I asked.

'I could feel it. It will be okay' she

I let it go. I can't believe I ruined my relationship with Patricia just because I
Thought I loved Nina.
Ambers POV

Later at school we were at the lockers getting ready for 4th period.

"So Senkara will be unleashed if Cleo gets the necklace?" Fabian asked Nina.

"Yeah. And Apparently, Senkara is Cleopatras sister." Nina said.

"Shocker" I commented.

"Which means that we need to go to the tunnels tonight and somehow get that necklace. We don't have long" Nina reminded.

After that we closed out lockers and went off to class.

Jerome's POV

Me and Joy were sitting in 4th period, Waiting on Mrs. Andrews to come to class.

"Hey Joy," I said.

"Hhhm" she looked up.

"I was thinking, maybe since Mara and Mick are going on a date, maybe we could go on our own." I stated.

"Yeah! I'd love that" she said excitedly.

"Alright. I'll plan what we do tonight" I smiled and she kissed me on the cheek.
Cleo's POV

After school I hurried down to the tunnels. Now Your probably guessing how I keep getting in, but Set gave me a duplakit of Nina's locket.

After I got in I traveled through all the rooms and finally reached the treasure room.

I said my magical enchantment and
Opened the next door, which was on my left.

When I entered the room there were beams of light scattered amongst the room. At the end of the room was something bright, so that it was hard to see. I went in closer and saw that.... YES!!!! The necklace.

I went over to it and tried to get it out but couldn't!

I decided to wait until I could get my hands on it without ruining anything.

Before I left I put a large rock at the top of the door, so that when one of the Sibuna members came in then they would be crushed!

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting! I didn't know what to write and I had a lot of school work! But did you guys like this chapter?

Anyways. That's for reading you guys!

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