Chapter 23

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Cleo's POV

I was almost to the necklace until Nina found the room I was in. I pulled a lever which closed the door and then clicked the latch to open the trapdoor and she fell!

Eddie and the Scooby gang opened the door with Eddies powers. I opened the next door and traveled down more tunnels, maken sure I wasn't seen.
Eddies POV

After I opened the door we came into a room with mirrors along every wall.

"What's this?" Amber asked.

"I d-don't know." I said back.

We walked around hoping maybe to find a clue or riddle, but there was still nothing.

'Eddie! Eddie help!' Nina said in my head.

'Nina? Where are you'

'Im behind one of the mirrors. it's one way glass and I can see you all but you guys can't see me' she stated.

'Okay I'll get you out'

"Guys Nina just contacted me with our thoughts, she said she is behind one of the mirrors"

"So like one way glass?" Fabian asked.

"Y-yeah" I said back.

We knocked on the mirrors and put our ears up to them and called out her name and waited for a respond.

"Fabian! I'm in here!" She said.

"Don't worry Nina we will get you out." he yelled back.

"What do we do Eddie?" Patricia asked.

"Which one is she behind?" I asked.

"The middle one" Alfie said.

I went over to the middle mirror and looked for maybe a button or something to open it.
I looked on the side and there was a small latch and I pulled it and the mirror opened and Nina ran out strait into Fabians arms. To bad that wasn't me.

"Fabian!!!" She said.

"Shhhh Nina it's okay. Your alright." he embraced her in a hug.
Soon enough they let go and we all surrounded her.

"Nina I'm so glad your okay" Patricia said and gave Nina a hug. "I'm so sorry I was mean to you before." she said.

"It's okay Patricia, I understand"

"Me to Nina. Me not being with you is really really troublesome. and when you went down that trap door I was so heart broken. Nina I love you!" Fabian said takin her hands. "I won't never Hert you again." he said.

"It's okay Fabian I forgive you." she said with a huge smile.

"So can we give Fabina another go?" He asked.

"Say yes say yes" Amber said out loud.

"Oh course" she smiled.

They kissed as soon as she said that and I swear my heart broke. I mean yeah I'm in love with Yacker but I have feelings for Nina, but I'm hoping it's only our bond.

"Nina what happened?" I asked.

"When I came in here I saw someone in a black hoodie. They ran through that door" she said pointing to the right.

"Well what are you waiting for let's go!" Yacker commanded.

We traveled down another long tunnel till we reached a octangular room.
In the middle of the room was a statue of Anubis and a old Egyptian weighing scale.

"Where are we?" Alfie asked.

"I think we are in the afterlife part of the tomb." Fabian stated looking At the Egyptian writing on the walls. "here is the god Anubis with the scales of life and..uh oh" he turned to us.

"What?" Nina asked.

"And Ammut the devour"he said.

"So what does that mean?" I asked.

"Well do u see Ammut any where?" Fabian asked.

"No"I said back.

"Where is she?" Patricia asked.

At that statement we head a noise, as if someone was in the footsteps.

"I don't know but I'm not sticking around to find out" Amber said and ran out of the tunnels.

"Me to!" Alfie said and ran after Amber.

"Come on let's go" Nina suggested and we went on that note.
Maras POV

Later on that evening Mick asked me to help him with his homework so we met in his room.

"3x+6=15 is x=3." he said.

"Good job."I congratulated.

"Thanks Mars. you know I could always use your help with biology" he smiled.
i just blushed.

"Mara" he started.


"I-I really like you. I can't stop thinking about you. All I think about is the kiss me shared the other day, and how many sparks I felt. I think I'm in love with you Mara." he said while taking my hands.

"Mick," I looked deep into his eyes. "I love you to" I said.

We both smiled at each other and kissed.

"So will you go out with me?" He asked.

"Yes of course" I smiled and I couldn't stop.

So there's a new chapter guys! I really hope y'all are enjoying it! And thanks for over 2,000 reads on the book and over 4,000 on my first book! You guys are amazing! I don't have much longer till the end! Thanks for reading!

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