Chapter 19

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Nina's POV

I sat there in the mask Chamber, looking at the fake mask. I was hert. I was a terrible person. I kissed Eddie in from of Patricia and the whole school! I sat there sobbing continuing to cry, that was until I heard a noise, as if someone were down in the mask chamber.

"Hello?" I asked walking toward the door.

"Nina" I heard someone call out. I went up the the next room where we did the falcon task, and saw Fabian come out of the secret passage from the library.
"nina" he said standing to his feet to face me.

"Fabian I-I'm so sorry!" I began to cry.

"Oh Nina" he ran to be and wraped me up in his arms. "Nina it's okay. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to kiss Cleo she kissed me." he said.

"And I didn't mean to kiss Eddie. Fabian I'm sorry. I'm such a terrible person." I said sobbing harder and harder.

"No Nina look at me" he made me look at him. "I still love you. I understand you didn't mean to. it is okay. I love you so much Nina" he said hugging me tighter.

"and I love you Fabian" I said hugging back.
At that moment we kissed and hugged for a little but longer before we left.

When we got back to prom everyone went silent for a few moments and then continued talking.

"Nina" Amber shouted and gave me a hug. "what happened between you and Eddie?" She asked pulling away.

"Um It was our bond doing it but I don't know why" I lied.

"Okay are you sure?" She asked.

"Positive." I stated Then Alfie and Jerome and Joy came up to us.

"Well Cleo and Mick had it out" Jerome said pointing to their direction.

"What do you mean?" Fabian asked.

"Well Mick broke up with her because she kissed you" Joy told Fabian.

"Why did she do that in the first place?" I asked.

"Honestly we don't know" Jerome answered.

We all directed our attention toward them with Cleo on one side of the room and Mick on the other.

"Alfie! You do not need all of the food!" Amber shouted and we focused our attention on Alfie with 4 platers of food.

"I am a grown man" he stated taking the platers out of the room and probably back to the house. We laughed.

"So where's Eddie and Patricia?" I asked.

"Well after your little 'scene' him and Patricia went out of the room and man did she look MAD!!" Jerome said.
I can't believe this. I can't believe Eddie loves me! What am I gonna do.

Later that night my head seemed weary. I began to dream.
I was in a a room with gold all around. There was Osiris,Amernis, Anubis, and Isis.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Your in the after life, chosen one" Isis said.

"Why am I here? If Senkara finds out she will come after me!" I shouted.

"Don't worry. You are here to talk about your destiny" Osiris decreed.

"M-My destiny?"

"Yes. Your destiny is to find the necklace of Cleopatra and DESTROY IT!" Amernis declared.

"Why destroy it?" I asked.

"Because it holds dark powers from Set. And if they are unleashed, it will vanquish you and your Orsirian." Anubis said.

"Yes. And there is someone with evil intentions searching for it" Isis said.

"Victor!" I shouted.

"I'm afraid it's not Victor but yet a student in the house" Osiris told me. "now you must go! And find it. And be on your guard." He said.

I turned to leave but he stopped me for a second. "and Remember only those who are blood line of Isis can marry the Orsirian." he said and I noded.

I woke up at 9:00AM. I'm so glad today is a Saturday.

So my fabina fans we all good now? Haha well there is much MUCH more drama coming! I mean what is Eddie and Nina gonna do about what they said to each other?
Anyway more to come more to come! Comment what you like or what you don't like or just comment your favorite animal idk I just want comments!😂 thanks!

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