Chapter 29

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Nina's POV

"It can't be" Patricia said.

We were looking at a portrait of a women that looked a lot like Patricia. We didn't know who is was but all we knew is they looked exactly alike.

Fabian took the portrait down and we looked at it more carefully.

"Wait what's that?" I noticed on the back.

"Isis' human form signed -.R.F.S." He said and looked up at me and Eddie.

"So Trixie is a god! How exciting!" Alfie explained.

We rolled our eyes.

"Whoa whoa wait...thats insane. I'm not Isis" she stated. "how could I be the goddess of love when I can hardly even manage my own love life" she yelled and ran out of the room.

"Patricia!" Amber yelled and ran after her.

I turned back to Eddie with a nasty, mean look on my face.

"What did you do?" I said.

"Nothing! She broke up with me because she heard our conversation this morning" he said but then realized Fabian was in the room.

"Whoa whoa wait! What conversation!?" He demand.

"Eddie came to my room and apologized for pushing me and said he was wrong." I said softly speaking on the word "wrong".

"About what?" He asked.

"I told Nina I loved her. She refused to love me back so that's why I pushed her." Eddie said.

"So you hurt her just because
She was being FAITHFUL!?!!" Fabian yelled.

I ran over to him and put my hand on
His chest.

"Fabian it's okay. Everything's fine. Okay. now we need to figure out why Isis and Patricia look exactly alike." I stated.

"Maybe there related!" Alfie suggested.

"But how?" Fabian asked.

As soon as Fabian and Alfie said that I had a flashback.

I was standing in the room with Osiris, talking about Cleo.
When I turned to leave he
Stopped me.

"And remember Nina, only bloodline of Isis can marry the Orsirian." he said and I nodded and left.

*end of flashback*

"I know how!" I blurted out.

"How?" Eddie asked.

"The night of prom! Osiris came to me and told me that only bloodline of Isis can marry the Orsirian. So it's Patricia! Patricia is related to Isis! Just like I am to Amernis!" I comfirmed.

"Wow! So I'm destined to be with Patricia?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah. I guess so." Fabian said.

"I gotta talk to Patricia!" Eddie said and left the room.

Patricia's POV

I ran out of the room and into the room where Cleopatras body laid.
How could I be related to Isis? She's the goddess of love! And I can hardly even manage my own love life.
I heard footsteps, but I knew it was Amber because the sounding of her heals.

"Patricia" she called.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Are you okay?" She asked coming to sit by me.

"Honestly no. I heard Eddie say he was in love with Nina more than me. The only good part was that she turned him down. I trusted Eddie. I loved him. he was my first love and I loved everything about him." I said without stopping. Amber padded my back and told me that boys are stupid. I nodded and sobbed harder and harder.

"Patricia" I heard Eddie call out.
I quickly wiped my tears and faced him.

"What!" I yelled.

"I'm sor-"

"Sorry? I know. Now leave me alone!" I turned and left the tunnels going up the my room.
Maras POV

Me, Mick, Joy, and Jerome were in the family room doing homework.

"So Mara" Mick started.

"Yes?" I smiled.

"I have 2 tickets to the Ed Sheeran concert Friday and I was wondering if you would like to go?" He asked.

"Eh sorry but no" I joked. I watched how his smiled dropped. "Mick of course I will!" I got up and hugged him and he hugged back.

"Great! Can't wait" he smiled.
Cleo's POV

I gotta find that necklace!
Set sent me here to find it. He
Said that If I did I would be rewarded greatly.

I went into Nina, Amber, and Patricia's room maybe looking for something that would help me but found nothing.

I heard footsteps coming up the stares so I ran out and hid in the bathroom and watched how Alfie,Eddie, Amber, Nina, and Fabian went into their room.

I gotta find that Necklace!

Sup guys! How was that? I know
Some Peddie fans are gonna hate me but I don't care lol! It will
All be good in the
End I promise! And sorry I haven't Been updating lately. I've been having problems with my so cAlled boyfriend. but anyway. thanks for readying!

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