Chapter 9

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Ambers POV

"Nina! Stop talking to yourself!" I said to Nina. We were in our room trying to communicate with Sarah. we had her doll house and all her books laid on the floor.

"I can't Amber! This is how u contact her. please Sarah just give us a sign, please!!" She yelled. the next thing we knew the wall closest to the window started to pill some of the paper off the wall. it revealed a arrow pointing down.

"What does that mean?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders. we both walked over there and noticed that the cracks in the floor were glowing.

"Amber there's something under there." she said scared to know what was actually under there.

"Well get it out" I said. she got up and went over to the closet and grabbed a thin, iron rod. she put the thin piece of it in the crack of the floor and pushed and wood from the floor came up.
I took it out and she grabbed what looked like a golden box.

"Wow. that is gorgeous" I said astonished.

She opened the box to reveal Yet again a map of the house.

"Amber look. its more tunnels starting from the cellar, except this isn't by the book shelve." Nina stated.

"Then where is it?"

"I don't know. Lets just put the wood back down and hide the box. we will show the others later." She said.

I put the wood in the floor back down as she hides the box.

Jerome's POV

I was walking upstairs to Maras room when I heard the sound of someone crying. it sounded like it was coming from coat closet so to opened the door slowly to reveal Joy laying on the floor curled up in a ball crying.

"Joy. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Just go away!" She yelled. I came in and shut the door behind me kneeling beside her.

"Joy,whats happened to you." i asked.

"Why do u care?" She raised up looking really mad.

"Because you my friend and none of my
Friends need to cry" I stated briefly.

"It's just Fabian."

"What about him?" I asked.

"I've just been so caught up with him and Nina and thinking she stole him from me and sabotaging her and his relationship and I completely ruined my friendship with him. I've realized that I was foolish with my actions. even Patricia doesn't talk to me anymore."
She said all at once and began to cry harder.

"Joy, things will get better. how about you tell Nina and Fabian and Patricia what u just told me. tell them
Your sorry."

"I tried with Fabian but he shoed me away."

"That's when you try harder." .
After that she calmed down for a few and I rose to my feet and held out my hand for her to grab and she did.

"Thank you know." she giggle.

"Ah there's the Joy I know and Love." I said. oops that came out wrong.

"You love me?" She asked.

"I meant that we all know And love" I corrected.

"Oh" she giggle.

"Are u coming to dinner?" I asked.

"Yeah." she said and we walked into the dinner room together.

Maras POV

After dinner Everyone basically just went off to their rooms except for Cleo and Mick Ugh.

"Mara,Mick, you both will do the washing tonight" Trudy said. oh no.

Mick and Cleo looked at each other in sadness.

"It's okay I have some things to take care of." Cleo said kissing Mick on the cheek. ugh gross.

In the middle of washing dishes it was so awkward. I mean really there was nothing to say.

"Mara.."Mick started.

"Yes." I asked not facing him.

"Are you know...okay.?"

"Of course. why would you ask that?"

"It's just you've been avoiding me."he said. I turned around to face him.

"Listen Mick,theres nothing to say. my feelings toward you doesn't matter. your with someone else. I may have feelings for you Mick but I can't just drop everything and neither can you. It's hard and I'll give you that."

"What's hard?" He asked.

"Watching you with another girl. seeing you both cuddle and you kiss her nose and hold her. it's very hard for me. I can't stand it!" By the time I said this I
Was fully in tears.

"Mara I..." he started.

"No just forget it." I yelled and ran out of the room and up stairs to my bed.

Wow intense I must say.
So what do you all think about that box Nina found? More tunnels?
Or what about Jerome and joys "relationship".?
And what do u all think about Mick and Mara? Should he want her back?
Thanks for voting and commenting!

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