Chapter 25

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Cleo's POV

The next morning I walked in to see Mick and Mara all cuddled up together. Eww. I mean honestly I don't care. I'm here for one purpose and that is to destroy The Chosen One. I looked at them scolded and watched as Nina entered the room with a terrified look.

She whispered something in Fabians ear and he got up but as they left she looked at me like I was a 10 headed beat. This must be good...

I followed them till they were in Fabians room and pressed my ear against the door and listened.

"I had a dream last night" she said.

"Yes what about?" He asked.

"Cleopatra...i know who Ammit is and it's the exactly same person who is after the necklace"

"Who?" He asked again.

"Cleo. Cleo...cleopatra. I knew something was wrong about her." she said sounding like she was passing back And worth.

"It will be okay Nina" he comforted.

I backed away from the door and went back into the dinner room to sit down and eat. I gotta get that necklace.
Nina's POV

Later that day after school, everyone was in the family room.

"Ooo ooo who wants to play 10 fingers?" Amber asked.

"What's that?" Fabian asked.

"It's a game where everyone has all 10 fingers up, and someone says something like 'never have I ever ate pants' but if someone has, then they put a finger down but the trick is to get everyone out"she explained.

"Yeah I'll play" Alfie said.
"Sounds fun" Mara said.
"ehhh okay sure" joy said.
"Ugh okay" Fabian said.
"Ugh I hate this but whatever" Patricia said.
"Lame but okay" Jerome said.
"I'm in" Eddie said.
"Okay" Mick said.
"Sure" Cleo said.
"yeah!" I said.

Everyone got in a circle in the floor. it was me, Fabian, Eddie, Patricia, Cleo, Joy, Jerome, Mick, Mara, Alfie, and then Amber on the other side of me.

"Okay I'll go first" Amber said. "uhhhhmmmm never have I ever went to a Justin Bieber concert" she said and Cleo put a finger down.
"Okay Alfie next" she said and pushed him with her elbow.

"Ummm never have I ever seen a zombie" he said and no one put their fingers down. "okay Um Jerome's turn" he said with a smile.

"Okay, this is a weird game, but never have I ever dun drugs." is all he could think and no one put their fingers down. "okay Joy"

"Never had I ever kissed Eddie" she said and Patricia and I put a finger down and everyone took notice. "okay Trixie" Joy moved on.

"Uh um uh uhhhhh never have I ever had more than one boyfriend" she said and Me, Cleo, and Mara put a finger down.

"Who else have you dated?" Fabian asked Me.

"Brian, David, and Zane. They went to my school" I stated trying to move on.

"Okay anyways Nina's Turn." Trixie said.

"Right! Never have I ever sent texts of nude pictures." Is the best I could think of. really Nina? And Mick put a finger down but I don't think anyone noticed.
"okay Fabian" I said.

"Never have I ever...." He began to say.

"It's 10 o'clock." we heard Victor began to say. "you all know what that means..." everyone packed up their stuff and left the family room. "you have 5 minutes precisely and then I want to hear a pin drop" Victor finishes.

i was about to walk out and up stairs when Fabian grabbed my arm.

"What"? I giggled.

"Please stay with me" he asked.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because I wanna spend time with you...i don't want you to go" he said brushing my cheek.

"Ok" is all I could said and followed him to his room.

After Eddie went to sleep we laid there...staring into each other's eyes until he kissed me. After about 10 seconds we broke apart to take a breath, until he grabbed my face and kissed me. After about 15 seconds it became a full make out session. I laid on top of him and took off his shirt and realized hey he has some sexy abs! I stopped for a second and stared at them.

"What?" He laughed.

"Since when did my boyfriend get sexy abs?" I giggled.

"Since my girlfriend got sexy boobs" he laughed and took off my shirt.

Before we knew it we were both naked and doing more than just kissing. It was really wonderful and I don't understand how I got so lucky with a guy like Fabian.
Eddies POV

Later that night around 12am I pretended to be asleep because Nina was staying in our room. I heard everything that they were doing and I couldn't help but tear up and begin to cry.

Awwwwwww poor Eddie! So let me know really..... how was the ending?!?!
I was trying to make this a more fun chapter were their was no mystery hardly.
But how was that really?! I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!!! Anyways!
Thanks for reading!

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