Chapter 22

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Nina's POV

Sunday morning I got to sleep in late. It was 10:30am and I had already missed breakfast, but I didn't really care. I didn't wanna face Patricia or Eddie nor Fabian. I just wanted to be alone.

I put on my outfit for that day and waited for Amber to get dressed.

After we were done it was already time for lunch.
We walked in like it was a normal day and everyone continued to stare at me as I ate.

'Nina we need to talk' I heard Eddie say in my head.

I just looked down and played with my food. I knew that Fabian and Patricia were staring at me but I just didn't wanna talk to anyone. I didn't know who to trust or what to do.
After lunch I called a Sibuna meeting. We still need to find who this person that is after the necklace. We met in the Cellar.

After everyone was there, I opened the secret passage to Cleopatras Tunnels. We went in though the casket room, library room, the long hall way and through the room where the snakes used to be.

'Pretend like we just found this room' I told Eddie in my head.

'Okay' he said back.

We went to the room with the bed and the old flower petals.

"What room is this?" Alfie asked.

"I don't know. You think Maybe this had something to do with Cleopatra and Julius Caesar?" Asked Amber.

"Maybe" I said back.
I looked over at the far right and saw a door.

"Come on guys!" I yelled and started running. When I went though the door it started closing.

"Nina!" I heard Eddie and Fabian both say, but by the time they got to me the door was closed.
I banged and banged on the door but it wouldn't open!

"Help! Help! Please!!" I screamed.

"Nina it will be okay we will get you out" Fabian reassured.

I calmed down for a moment that was until I heard something under me moving. It was a trap door.

"Fabian there's a trap do-" I began to say but I had fallen down a hole.

Fabians POV

Nina was trapped in room. No No NO! I can't believe this!

"Nina it will be okay we will get you out!" I said and she calmed down.

We all heard something, like something moving.

"Fabian there's a trap do-" she was saying and she fell into a trap door.

"NO!!!" I yelled and banged on the door.

"Nina!" Amber screamed.

"Some body do something!" Patricia yelled.

I looked around searching for maybe a latch to open the door but there was nothing.

"Eddie do something!" I yelled.

"What is there to do!" He demaned.
I didn't know what to say. I figured he would come up with a solution and he did.

He placed his hands on the door and they turned a bright purple.
At first nothing happen but then the door began to crack and the wall crumbled down.

After we moved everything out of the way we couldn't find Nina. She was gone.

"This one is facing their death, to get them back continue till the end" we heard Roberts voice say.

"No NO NO!!!! This is all your fault!" I yelled at Eddie.

"My fault!"

"You were supposed to protect her. But instead you let her slip through your fingers!" I yelled even more.

"Oh yeah how you did when you hit her and yelled at her like you are now" he said.

I paused for a moment. He was right.
I looked at the others and they all had fear in their eyes. Amber and Patricia were crying and Alfie was scared for his life.

"I'm sorry Eddie your right." I looked down in grief.

"It's okay dude." he padded my back.
No ones POV

Nina woke up in a strange room. She was surrounded by mirrors along every wall, some cracked and some dirty.

"Help!!" She cried out but all she could hear was here own echo.
She pulled out her phone, hoping it with have signal, but just her luck it didn't.

"Im loosing patience chosen one" she heard someone say.
She turned around to see Cleopatra.

"Please I need to get out if here. Can you help me?" We asked.

Cleopatra raised her hand and one of the mirrors opened, acting like a door.

"Go through their and follow your heart. You love awaits." she smiled and vanished.

Nina took no notice to what she said. She ran and ran as fast as she could down the long channel of tunnels.

So theirs that chapter! Let me know what you think! But time to disgust questions:
Do you want Eddie and Nina together or Fabian and Nina?

What relationship do u want more in the story such as Fabian, Peddie, Amfie, Mickra, or Jeroy.

After this book( which is a while away) should I make a book of when they come back for college and there is another mystery? Or one of Fabian and Nina's Life with no Mystery?

And I'm always open for ideas. thanks for reading.

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