Chapter 34

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No ones POV

The next few days went by fast. Tuesday afternoon, everyone was studying or getting ready for graduation which was in less than a week! Everyone was either studying for their finals or figuring out all their credits so they could graduate or if you were Mara Jeffrey, you would be writing your end of year paper on the Jackle.

Nina, Fabian, Mara, Alfie, Amber, Joy, Mick, Cleo, and Jerome were in the family room when Eddie came in.

"Hey wheres Yacker?" He asked looking around.

Nina pointed to upstairs. He turned around and saw her going back upstairs because he was looking for her.

"Come on Yacker! Forgive me!" Eddie yelled from the bottom of the stairs, but she ignored him and went back to her room.

He crashed on the couch with a heavy sigh.

As soon as everything was calming down, Victor came down from the steps and into the family room.

"I have an announcement to make" he cleared his throat. "next Friday there will be a end if the year party for you seniors. Your parents are invited along with your siblings. Trudy will provide the food, Girls will decorate, and boys will help the girls set up any difficult stuff. I want you to be on your best behavior!" He began to walk away but came back forgetting something. "and Lewis! I have my eye on you! Now go to bed!" He yelled.
The next day after dinner, the Sibuna gang went down to Cleopatras tunnels. They made sure they weren't followed and went through all the chambers. When they reached the final room they didn't notice anything out if the ordinary.

"There!" Nina Pointed. Her and Eddie went over to the rectangular box it was in and tried to get it out of the box.

"It won't budge!" Eddie grumbled.

"Uh Nina" Fabian uttered.

Eddie and Nina turned around seeing what he wanted. They saw him pointing at the top of their heads and turned around and saw yet another riddle.

"This is wear the necklace hides. The price of this is the god of devil eyes. Take this necklace and be frightened for a while, by the one with a head of a crocodile"

"Devil eyes?" Amber repeated.

"Crocodile?" Alfie also repeated.

"Guys. Ammut has the head of a crocodile and he also have eyes that pierce through your heart." Fabian said with his nerdy side.

"But why should we be scared? I mean she is in her human form. and I'm pretty sure she will stay that why. Right?" Patricia asked.

As soon as she said that the door closed shut, and they heard laughter, evil laughter in the room.

"Think again Patricia!" The evil voice said.

Fabian guarded Nina while she was behind his back, Amber ran to Alfie and made him pick her up bride style, and Eddie and Patricia where in front with Fabian.

"W-who are you?" Nina asked.

"Heh heh heh. Oh Nina. Nina Nina Nina. You really shouldn't of messed with me. " The voice said.

When the voice said this a spot light turned on toward the voice and it revealed....

"Cleo!" They all explained.


Joy, Mara, Mick, and Jerome were in the family room chatting and do homework.

"It's pretty quiet" Joy said.

"Yeah. Where is everyone?" Mara asked.

"Probably saving the world" Jerome joked.

That made Joy think. it wasn't just "people" I'm the house being gone, it was all the Sibuna members. she remembered how last term, she had to help Fabian complete the senet game and free everyone. None of the Sibuna members really wanted her in the "club" but she was willing to help.

"Probably"Joy said sarcastically.

"Can you guys believe that next week we graduate? It's so hard to think about." Mara changed the subject.

"Speaking of graduation, how is that speech coming along?" Mick asked.

"Really well. I've already turned it in to Sweetie for him to grade." she told everyone.

"Thanks good babe" Mick smiled.

"Well I'm going to bed guys. Goodnight" Joy yawned and wen upstair to her room.

So I know it's kinda short but the next chapter is gonna be really long. And sorry for not updating in a while. I've had a lot of texts and projects and then I've been busy lol but I'll try to get my next chapter in soon. thanks for really and commenting. it means a lot to me! Love yall💋

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