Chapter 12

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Maras POV

Sunday passed by so fast. Today was Monday and Mick he asked me to help him study for his Physics test tonight. And of course Cleo hasn't spoken to me at all- the only communication she has giving me Is giving me a evil look. I just can't help that I have feelings for Mick but I would never take him away from her while she is dating him.

After class was over I went to my locker to get my things. when I closed my locker I looked to the right where It was Joy and Jerome talking and giggling at the other end of the hall. I've never seen him like that. Was he flirting with her? She was looking into his eyes and he was just smiling constantly. Was I jealous? No no. Jerome wouldn't flirt with someone else. but he hasn't really talked to me for a while.
I rushed past them with tears running down my face. he turned around as I was walking faster and faster racing to the house.

"Mara?" He called out. but I didn't
answer. I ran until I got to my room were I laid on my bed sobbing harder and harder.

Ninas POV

After school me,Fabian,Eddie,Patricia, Amber, and Alfie went down to the cellar so that me,Eddie, and Fabian could show them what we found.
I put my locket up against the stone with Cleopatras face on it and then watched as the door appeared.

"Wow.! I hate that I missed that" Patricia said.

"Oh there's more." Eddie said.

I opened the door and we went in one by one walking down the stairs and entering the room.

"Is that..." Amber started.

"Cleopatra?" Alfie finished.

"Yes." I said. We moved the lid of the casket and heard Roberts voice once more.

"Here lies Cleopatra yes? but in order to find the treasure you seek, open up your heart to reveal the key."

"What does that mean?" Patricia said.

"I don't know that's why we brought you guys here, to help us." I said.

"Uh Nina was that room there before?" Fabian asked and I turned around to see what he was talking about.

"No. I-it wasn't." we suddenly turned to Eddie.

"Well don't look at me! Let's go see what's in there"

" We turned on out flashlights and went into a room filled with mounts and mounts of books and cylinders with a old recorder beside them.
Beside the recorder laid an old doll.

"Sarah" I suddenly said and ran over and picked the doll up. it had a string tied to the back and I pulled and I heard Sarah's voice start to speak.

"Voices in my head. Dreams overflowing my mind. Daddy says that the same thing happens to Rufus."

Me and Eddie looked at each other.

"But it all started since I found one of his secret studies. this one had my ancestor hidden under the cellar,Cleopatra, for she was once a paragon and her Orsirian was Julius Caesar. They opened up their hearts to one another and revealed a key for the afterlife together."

And then the recording ended.

"What does that mean? They opened their hearts to each other and it revealed a key" Patricia mocked.

"Like the riddle!" Amber shouted. "remember the riddle said 'to find the treasure you seek open up your heart to reveal the key'" Amber repeated.

"Amber you genius!" I shouted.

"And I bet the internet has something to say about this" Fabian said smiling. aww he's so cute.

"Good! Now can we go back? I can smell Trudy's chocolate cookies from down here!" Alfie said making hand gestures.

"Yes we can Alfie. Come on Fabian lets go do some research" I said leading the way out of the tunnels and then out of the cellar.

Mick's POV

Me and Mara were safost to study today after school but after 2 hours had passed of her not showing I went to go find her. I went upstairs to her room and knocked on the door.

"Go away whoever it is!" She yelled.

"Mara it's Mick. Is everything okay?" I asked through the door but she didn't answer so I walked in.

"Mara I ..." I started to say but she looked up at me and when she did her eyes were blood shot and her face was red and puffy from crying. I immediately ran over to her bed and sat beside her.

"Mara what's happen?" I asked.

"Mick please. it's none of your.."

"...Please Mara tell me."i cut her off.

"Jerome" she sniffled.

"What about him?" I asked.

"Well today I looked over and saw him and Joy flirting with each other."

"What makes you say they were?"

"Jerome smiled with his teeth And he does that when he is flirting. and he looked at her like she was the only women in his life" she sniffled once more.

"Oh Mara I'm so sorry. Tell you what, how about me and you go to my room and talk about it some more and maybe study? Your still the science babe and I need to pass." I said hoping she would take my offer.

"Yeah id love to" she smiled and she grabbed her books and came downstairs with me.

So that's another chapter!
What do you think about Mick and Maras relationship?
Or maybe even Jerome and Joys?
And what do you think that recording of Sarah meant? Ate Eddie and Nina really meant to be?
Thanks for reading!

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