Chapter 3

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Nina's POV

Darkness filled my head. I came upon a house which looked like Anubis house. I went inside and the next thing I knew I was in some kind of room with Egyptian writing all over the walls. In the middle of a room laid a coffin with a mummy inside. On it was entitled "here lies Cleopatra".

"You must protect your friends chosen one." A voice said to me. I didn't know who or what it was.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"You mean you don't remember me?" A women's voice echoed and then she appeared.
"I was the last Pharaoh of Egypt." She said sitting in a near by chair.

"Wh-what do u want with me?" I managed to say.
she laughed.

"I do you no hard. You must find it."
She said but I didn't quit understand what she meant.

"Find what?" I asked.

"My body. you must find it and keep this necklace safe. If it falls in the wrong hands it can be used for worse things to come my dear." she said holding a necklace that looked like a cross with a red ruby stone in the middle. I looked up and she vanished and then I herd what sounded like my annoying alarm go off.

I quickly turned it off and got up to stretch. Then got dressed for school.

Joys POV

Have I mentioned how much I hate Nina Martin? Ha well it's okay because I've decided to take matters into my own hands.

Nina's POV

I was on my down stairs when I was stopped by Joy.

"Hey Nina you might wanna see this." she said. Uh oh what was she planning this time. I went into her room and she was on Facebook looking on Fabians Account. There was a picture of Fabian.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"No look at the comments" she said to me and I did.

The comments were him and some girl named Jena.
Jena:you pretty cute.
Fabian:thank Jena. your not so bad yourself.(;
Jena:I miss you so much! When can we go on another date? The last one was so perfect like you.
Fabian:soon I promise. I'm so blessed to call you mine. I love you baby girl.
Jena: I love you to Sweetie.

Before I knew it I had tears running down my face.

"Oh Nina I'm so sorry" Joy said and hugged me. "I know this is hard." she said.

"When did he post this?" I asked wiping away my tears.

"Just last night around 11." she said and I just sobbed harder and louder and I ran out of her room and downstairs to the dinner room where I saw Fabian "waiting" for me. I came in with tears still running down my cheeks and he just got up and stared at me and was coming for me.

"Get away from me?" I yelled and he backed away. "how could you!"
I said and he didn't understand.

"I was just trying to.."

"You Hert me!"i yelled and everyone in the room was looking at me strangly.

"Nina what's wrong?" He asked.

"You! Y-you cheated on me."

"What? No I didn't."

"Really? Then who is Jena?" I yelled.

"A good friend of mine"he said looking really confused.

"Yeah well I guess you both are more then just friends." I said and I ran out of the house and headed for the school.

Eddies POV

Well uh that was awkward. Nina came in crying and Fabian was trying to see what's wrong but Nina started yelling at him about him cheating on her and then she ran out of the house.

Amber slapped him on the arm.
"Amber?! I didn't do anything!" He said.

"You cheated on her!" She yelled at him.

"No I didn't! I don't even know where she got that from." as soon as he said that Joy got up and went out of the room.

I got up as well and was about to go find Nina.

"Weasel where are u going?" Patricia said.

"Sorry dad called emergency." I said and kissed her on the cheek and left.

I went into the drama room to look for her. I was about to leave when I herd the sound of someone sniffleing. it sounded like it was coming from back stage. I went back there and around the corner I saw Nina crawled up into a ball crying and crying. I immediately fell on my knees and drew her into a hug.

"Nina what happened?" I asked her.

"Eddie. Fabian cheated on me." she said to me and continued to cry.

"How do u know? Where did u find this out?"

"Joy showed me Fabian and this girl named Jena's conversation on Facebook and how they were saying they can't wait for the next date and how he loves her do much" she managed to say in one breath.

"Joy huh?" Maybe I need to speak to her about that. "Nina listen Fabian said he didn't cheat on you and just don't worry about it for now. I'll take care of it." I said and she looked up at me and gave me a big hug.

"Thank you" she said and let go and she dried her tears and went off to class.

Nina's POV

After me and Eddie talked I went to class. I was 5 minutes late.

"Ah your late" Mrs. Andrews said.

"Sorry. Mr. Sweet was talking to me in his office." I lied.

"Ah yes. very well then have a seat." she said. the only seat left was by Fabian. I scooted it away from him and sat down as Mr. Andrews began to teach.

"Pst. Nina" he whispered and I refused I acknowledge him. and then he passed me a note. I took it and read it.

'Nina, idk what is going on but I didn't nor have ever cheated on you. I love you way to much. '

Is what the note said.

"I don't believe you" I whispered and focused back on Mrs. Andrews or at least tried to I couldn't stop thinking about how mad I was.

Hey guys! Hope you guys liked the chapter! Please comment and tell me how you liked it! Thanks!

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