Chapter 31

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Nina's POV

Friday morning I woke up and got dressed. I can't believe that in two weeks that we graduate! I'm really nervous cause me and Fabian have non-stopped talked about what collage we would go to or what our plans are for after that. But theres a collage that's far away from the one he wants me to go to , but they are paying a Full scholar ship for me and I kinda wanna go but i don't know what to do!

At breakfast everyone was already eating.

"Your late" Jerome enticed.

"Well beauty before dudes." Amber said back and of course we all gave her the 'wow total blond' look.

"So Nina, Jeroy and Mickra are both going on a date and me and Alfie are as well, so would you and Fabian like to join us?" Amber asked me.

"Uhh" is all I could say and I looked To Fabian who was saying the same thing.
" do you want to?" I whispered to him.

"Uhhhh do you?" He asked.

"Not really"

He let out a sigh. "okay good me neither."

"Okay Amber..." I turned back towards her. " the answer is no" I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"We just wanna have some us time." I told her and she pouted.

Fabian got up and offered me his hand.
"Sorry Amber" I said while grabbing his hand and leaving.

"So Mrs. Martin fancy walking with me?" Fabian asked when we walked in the hall.

"Yes. I guess I 'fancy' that" I giggled as we walked outside.
As we were walking to school I need to
Figure out what to do about the mystery at hand.

"Okay so do you wanna just relax tonight with me or go down to the tunnels. Cause everyone else is busy expect Eddie and Patricia." I asked Fabian.

"Well if not everyone is gonna be there then I don't see why we should go. We could just go with Eddie and Trixie" he said back.

"Yeah cause we really need to get the show on the road." We laughed as we went inside the school.
Joys POV

We were in drama class with Mr. Winkler when Jerome leaned up against me.

"Are you ready for our date?" He whispered.

"Yes. I am" I said. "what are we doing for this date?" I asked.

"That's a surprise. Just meet me at the bottom of the stairs at 5 o'clock sharp." he said and back off.

I nodded and glanced over at Fabian and Nina holding hands. Yeah I still
Have feelings for him but I'm with Jerome. And not matter how much I had tried to win Fabian he was mean...really mean. But I'm glad that he is with someone like Nina, who is actually the chosen one.
Later that evening me and Mara were getting dressed for our dates.

"Yes! You should totally wear that one!" I told her.

"You really think so? I mean I don't want Ed Sheeran coming off stage and wanting me to be his girlfriend...or do I?" She thought.

"Haha wow Mars. What should I wear. I don't even know what we are doing on this date!" I gathered.

"Well it's Jerome. He might plan a water gun fight" she laughed.

"Yeah yeah."

"Wear that one" she suggested.

I nodded and we did our hair.
Maras POV

After me and Joy curled our hair did our makeup and got dressed, I began to head downstairs to meet Mick for our date.

"Goodluck!" Joy exclaimed as I shut
The door to our room.

As I walked in the hallway...uh oh...Cleo started to pass by, but stoped.

"Going on a date with Mick? Hhhm" she observed. "ha wow. all that for just a concert. You look like my best friend who is a prostitute." she laughed.

"Excuse me. Who is going on a date with the most hottest guy in school I am. Who isn't you are. you know why? Cause you wanted to kiss someone else's boyfriend, if I'm a prostitute then your a slut!" I yelled.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. There I saw Amber, Nina, Patricia, Fabian, and Eddie all staring at what they just witnessed.

Before they could react I ran down stairs where I saw Mick with a bouquet of roses.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Are you crying?"

"Y-yeah. I mean no! Just forget anything happend.

He nodded and we went out to his car to be on our way to the concert.
Nina's POV

After the thing with Mara Sibuna met in my room.

"Okay so Amber and Alfie-"

"Amfie" Alfie cut me off and Amber hit his arm. "ow" he pouted.

"-Amfie are going on a date tonight. Me and Fabian are going to the tunnels but we would like for Eddie and Patricia to go" I stated.

Eddie looked at Patricia but she ha her head down.

"I'll go" he said.

"I wont" she said cutting to it.

"Okay can you two please just get back together or make amends. Trixie is really scaring me" Alfie said.

"No!!" Patricia shouted. "I refused to expect the fact that he said he loved you over me! After 3 times I've taken you back and you still love her!"

"Patricia. I told you I was over that. I want you." Eddie said trying to go closer to her.

"That's not good enough!" She yelled and went out the door and slammed it.

"Quiet!" We heard Victor yell.

"Well that didn't go good" I said.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating. school has been killing me! But maybe I'll get the next chapter in within tomorrow.

So how did you think that thing with Cleo and Mara went?

What about Peddies breakup?
How do you feel about them?
She they get bak together?

Happy Easter!🐇🎉

House of anubis: Season 4 my wayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz