Chapter 20

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Nina's POV

Saturday morning I woke up at 9:00am for breakfast. I put on black leggings, a long sleeve purple t-shirt with dark pink writing with the first letters of my first,middle, and last name, and my brown boots. I curled my hair and put on my make up and then waited on Amber To get ready so we could walk down together.

"So what if Patricia is mean to me? Will you back me up?" I asked her while she was doing her makeup.

"Oh course Neens. What are BAFSs for?" she giggled.

"And me and Eddie. I know that's gonna be awkward."

"Well you two just kissed and it was your bond chosen one thing. So I'm sure it will be fine" she stated.

I sighed before speaking. "it wasn't our bond Amber" I said waiting for her to yell at me.

"What!?" She asked.

"Okay this may sound crazy but we can read each other's mind."

"Yeah and..."

"Well when we were dancing he told me that he loved me. He said he knew it wasn't our bond and then I told him I loved him to and then it was like force pulling me into kiss him" I said pacing around the room while talking. I looked toward Amber and her mouth dropped.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know how"

"Aww Neens. I'm sure it will be alright. You just gotta ask yourself- do you love Fabian or Eddie?" She asked and I knew that this would be hard so therefore I didn't answer.

When we got down to the dinner room the room was dead silent. I stood there for a few seconds which felt like my life coming and going before my eyes.
Amber pushed me to my seat as Fabian took my hand as I sat down.

"You look beautiful" he laughed a bit and I blushed and turned to my left where I saw Patricia staring me down with the most angriest face.
I looked down to my breakfast and played with it with my fork.

'Dont worry about her Nina' Eddie said in my head.
'Go away Eddie'
"Because your a jerk!" I shouted out loud. At this point everyone was staring at me.

"I'm just gonna go" I whispered to Fabian and Amber and left the room going to the library and down to the secret passageway and then out of the study and into Cleopatras Tunnles.
Maras POV

After breakfast I decided it was time to talk to Mick. I know he was still heartbroken but I figured he needed someone to talk to.
I knocked on the door and he didn't answer.
After the 3rd time knocking he said "come in" so I opened the door and saw that he was the only one
In the room and he was laying on his bed throwing a soccer ball up in the air back and forth. I came in and shut the door.

"Mick. Are you okay?" I asked sitting on Fabians bed.

"Yeah I'll be alright" he said sitting up and putting his soccer ball away.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah" he whispered with his head dangling down.

"Well okay" I said getting up and heading toward the door. "if you need someone to talk to my door is always open." I said reaching for the door nob.

"Mara" he said.

I turned around and asked.."yeah?"

He looked me strait in my eyes. They began to tear up and his face turned red.

"Oh Mick" I said and ran over to his bed,sat beside him, and wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. She broke up with me but I just told her that I was angry for her kissing Fabian. I'm so heart broken. I don't know what to do, what to eat, how to love. I'm broken." he sobbed, resting his head on my shoulder.

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