Chapter 7

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No ones POV

After dinner Mara went up to her room so she could get away from Mick. she walked though her door and found..well..Cleo.

"Oh my. you scared she." Cleo giggled a bit.

"Sorrry. Are you staying in this room?" Mara asked awkwardly.

"Yeah! Um the girl with Auburn hair..." Cleo tried to think.

"..Patricia" Mara helped.

"Yeah! She's staying in the other girls room so its even. Oh I'm Cleo by the way." she said putting out her hand.

"I'm Mara." Mara said shaking her hand.

"Oh your Mara. Mick has talk about you a lot! He said that you trained him in his sports right?" She smiled.

"Oh haha yeah! My parents are real athletes."

"Wow. That's strange since you don't Play sports." Cleo said.

"Yeah. do you need any help unpacking?" Mara asked.

"Oh no thanks. I'm just about done." she said back in her Australian ascent.

Eddies POV

Later on that night I had to tell Nina about that dream. It was so strange. I went into the Family room where everyone was except Mara.

"Hey Nina can I talk to you?" I asked and her and Fabian both looked at each other and she got up and followed me to my room and I shut the door.

"Okay what do u wanna talk to me about?" She asked.

"Her! I had a dream about her." I whisper sceamed.

"Who? Cleopatra." She asked.


"Well what did she say?" She jumped.

"Well there was this room like the one
You told us about. and she kept calling my name but was saying 'Osirian' and then she appeared. She told me that she had a Osirian of her own and told me that me and you have to find her necklace."

"Whoa whoa wait? Was she.."

" A chosen one. yes. she Julius Caesar was her lover and Osirian"

"Okay we gotta find out where that necklace is!"

No ones POV

That night was very strage. At midnight Cleo snuck down to the celler. When she went down there she went to the back brick wall and slid her hands across it.

"Yes. now I've got you"she said in her deaveous voice and pulled out what looked like a golden disk with Egyptian carvings and in the middle had a cross with a dot in the middle.
"I shall find you soon enough Cleopatra!" She said holding her disk tightly.

Update! Update! UPDATE! OMG! Haha so tell me what you guys think! And thanks for reading!

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