Taken Control

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A few days have passed since Princess Euphemia announced the Specially Administered Zone of Japan, and it is actually gathering a lot of support. A couple thousand people have signed up to be a part of the zone, which I know is making Suzaku and the princess happy. The two of them are working closely in order to get this idea to work, and I can't blame them. It is meant to get the Black Knights to disappear forever, but I know that Lelouch isn't going to lay down without a fight. He's done so much as Zero, and I as Infinity, that stopping down would be saying that all that we've done was in vain. All the deaths and arrests were useless.

Other than that, life has gone on fairly normal. I go to my classes, do student council work, hang out with Kallen at the Black Knights hideout, and then come back home to spend time with Nunnally. It doesn't feel like anything big is happening, but I know that just means something lifechanging is about to plague the lives of everyone around me. Someone is going to regret doing something.

"What are you thinking about, Sakura?" Nunnally speaks up.

"Hm?" I stare down at my half completed crane. I've reached 997 this evening with Nunnally and Sayako. "Oh, nothing much. I was just thinking about the princess and the zone, but then I was thinking about the past. If the zone can bring back some of the past for me."

We're sitting at the dinning room table with myself at the read and Nunnally at the seat to the right of me with Sayako right next to her. The return of Lelouch keeping us out here.

"Oh, you'd want to go back?"

"I only thought about it for a moment," I get back to folding my crane. "I'm quite happy where I am now. I get to be around all the people that I love dearly, so I don't know why I let myself go down that path."

"It is okay to want to go back to good times. When I saw Euphy the other day, I thought about the past, and I wished that for a moment I could go back. To where the only worry was who was going to marry Lelouch," she giggles. "But all I care about is being able to be with my brother, and I want to support him in whatever relationship he chooses. I'm glad that he picked you."

I chuckle, "Well, I think that our hearts decided on that when we were kids. I'm glad to be able to have such a cute little sister who can make me smile whenever I need to smile. That I can hang out with when Lelouch is off doing whatever. You're my little fairy, Nunnally, and I'll love you just as much as I love Lelouch, just in a different way, until the end of time." I push the finished crane to the side, picking up the next piece of paper and getting to work.

"How do you know?"

"I just know," I shrug.

"Is it a Japanese thing?" she looks at Sayako and then at me. "The two of you have taught me so much about Japanese culture over the years, and I appreciate it very much."

"I think this is a Sakura thing," Sayako lightly chuckles.

"Oh, I like that," Nunnally nods a few times. "We all have little things that we do or believe in that are special to us. Instead of focusing on what makes us different, we should embrace and encourage what makes us unique from each other."

"That's a beautiful way to look at it," I softly smile. "I think that we are a lot similar than people want to believe, but they will find one thing that is different to justify hatred. If only people realized that those differences is what makes each of us special. I think the world would be a lot kinder place."

"That's all I want. A kinder world."

"Would you say that is your wish?" I set aside another finished crane, picking up the penultimate piece of paper.

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