A Life Worth Living

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"I wish that I could spend all day with you, C.C., not having to worry about pointless bullshit like who is dating who and what not," I roll my eyes, taking a piece of pizza and taking a bite. The two of us sitting on her bed as we finish off a pizza.

"It gets boring after a while," C.C. says as she places another sticker on her tracking sheet for a plushie after ordering a certain amount of pizza. "Even if you are determined to fold a thousand cranes, it would get boring after a few days. Besides, spending time with people your age is a good thing."

"That's what you've always said," I grin. "I didn't think that it would be a big deal that Lelouch are together, but the one girl, Shirley blew up at Kallen and I because of the whole deal. It isn't my fault that Lelouch and I made a promise to each other long ago, or that he doesn't go around telling every single girl about that promise. I mean, we hadn't seen each other for years."

"Ah, so it revolves around Lelouch."

"Yes, it always does I feel. Well, I can't help that Lelouch and I are in a relationship that is like dating, but it is something more than that."

"The two of you are in a partnership. Though, the bond you have with me will always be the strongest you have."

I chuckle, "I couldn't imagine having a stronger bond with any one but you. Whenever you would get hurt, like the bullet through the head that killed you to save Lelouch, I would feel it."

"I wanted you to know that I was still here. That I was still trying to reach you."

"I always knew that we would meet again, and that was never a vision I received. I just knew that our fates are mixed."

The door opens and Lelouch walks in, his head turning to see who is in his room. A bit of relief washing over his body as his eyes scan over us. "I thought you had student council duties, Sakura?"

"Well, there was some drama that I left for my brother to clean up," I chuckle. "I came here, make some cranes, and then have been eating pizza with C.C. waiting for anything to happen."

"Well, I think I have some news for you," he walks over to his TV, turning it on where a newswoman is declaring something.

"Military authorities report that they are surrounding Saitama Ghetto, a known hiding place for terrorists," the woman states. "Viceroy Cornelia is also on the scene, and entry into that area is restricted."

Lelouch walks to his closet, retrieving an Honorary Britannian soldier uniform and his briefcase.

"It appears that a full scale assault will be launched in two hours. Consequently, power will be shut off for the time being in the following areas."

"She's trying to lure you out," I comment, walking over to turn the volume on the TV off. "Well, she's trying to lure Zero out."

Lelouch has laid out the solider uniform on the floor, while he takes a seat at a small table, placing his briefcase on the table to do some work.

"You aren't really going to fall for the enemies baiting, are you?" C.C. asks, grabbing a pillow to hold as she lies down.

"After they went to so much trouble inviting me?" Lelouch smirks. "Besides, there's something that I would like to personally ask Cornelia."

"Like when you personally asked Clovis," I cross my arms.

"Destroying Britannian or discovering who murdered your mother, which one is more important to you?" C.C. asks.

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