Enter Zero

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It has been three days since they took my brother away. Three days since I last knew what time was. Three days since I felt any kind of happiness. Three days since I vowed to do whatever the hell it would take to ensure that I could have a hand in taking down the devil that is Britannian. Three days since I've had any kind of vision, but I have been doing my best to figure out better control of my Geass that I can use whenever I wish.

After I had calmed down from the breakdown I had of seeing my brother taken from me, I looked around the room to see what my outburst had broken. There were a couple plates in multiple pieces on the ground, which would be the first thing I would have to cleanup in order to remove the risk of cutting myself while trying to walk around. I found it to be the perfect opportunity to test the skills that I had been working on recently. With all the emotions running through me, it was easy to pick up the pieces. What I wasn't expecting was when certain pieces started to glue back together. As if my abilities had grown in order to meet the needs around me. The plates still showed where they had broken. A scar to show that they had been damaged once, but I was fixing them. The girl who was all broken inside was doing something I never thought was possible.

Once I had done all that I could to clean up, I settled onto the couch to watch the news. I was waiting for any more news on my brother, but they weren't saying that much. No one was coming to let me know about his trial, or if I could see him, or anything that a sister should be allowed to know. I did receive a note from some man named Lloyd, who I briefly remember Suzaku telling me about. It wasn't an uplifting note in the slightest, but at least there was someone in contact with my brother, and if things went south, I would be able to get into contact with this aristocratic man to help me in some way.

I have barely left the couch in these past few days. I only ever get up to use the bathroom or get something to eat. Other than that, my eyes have been glued to the television screen waiting for the news on my brother. I've passed out multiple times, but it is never for long periods. I'm too worked up about all that happened. At least the increase of emotions has helped with the focusing of my skills.

I blink, focusing on the newscast that has now taken over. They have said that my brother, Private Suzaku Kururugi, is going to be transferred tonight. It feels like a certain death sentence.

"Any moment now," the newsman is giddy. "It truly is a sight to see with the throngs of people lining the route that is going to be taken. All of them waiting with bated breath. Waiting for the accused murderer, the one who took Prince Clovis from us."

"He's not a murderer," I choke out. My throat raw from all the crying that I have done over these days. "At least not against the prince."

"They are waiting for the honorary Britannian and former 11, Suzaku Kururugi."

In the next moment, three Knightmares come over the hill, followed by a giant vehicle that is no doubt holding my brother for all those gross people on the streets to see. To judge him for a crime they don't know the full details for.

"I can see them! Coming over the hill now. They have the suspect, Suzaku Kururugi is on his way!"

The cameras close in on my brother, in the same straitjacket that they had him in when the first arrested him. He has some collar on, most likely to keep him quiet and stay in line. Two guards are standing on either side of him. His face looks bruised, no doubt from the abuse he received when being interrogated. He looks defeated, and I hate it.

"We are Kururugi's, we should be treated with respect," I angerly swipe the tears that are flowing down my cheeks. "Damn it, Suzaku, I can't believe they would do this to you. They're always coming after us because of who we are."

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