Guilty Until Proven Innocent

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I hum along to the classical music that is playing on the small radio that Suzaku and I are lucky enough to have. The spoon that is stirring the soup by my mind is a bit shaky, but I have gotten better with the little bit of practice today. I know that my emotions control the power, so I am trying to channel extreme emotions in order to practice. There's no way to tell if I am doing anything right, but I know that things are about to go my way soon with the most recent visions that have graced me.

I twirl around the small kitchen, grabbing some spices for the soup. My brother and I have always had similar tastes, so anything I love I know he will as well. All he has to do is get home at a decent hour, but I don't know how likely that will be. He's so focused on impressing those Britannian pricks at times that I wonder if he forgets about me. I know he doesn't, but sometimes it feels like it.

The front door opens, causing me to scramble to grab the spoon and stir it by hand. Not a single soul knows about my Geass besides C.C., and I only know of her and now Lelouch being holders of this gift. It is a power to hold close.

"Sakura, I'm home," a tired Suzaku calls out.

"Hurry up, the soup is almost ready for you," I chuckle, bringing the spoon up to my lips to get a small taste.

"It smells great," he lets out a sigh.

I turn to see my brother not wearing the depressing gear of an Honorary Knight but a white with golf trim and black around his limbs tight Knightmare Frame suit. "Well, what do we have here Private Kururugi?" I smirk. "When the hell did they start to let 11's pilot Knightmares?"

He tiredly smiles, "Today, actually. I was the test subject of a new Knightmare, and if it went wrong, they wouldn't have felt bad about losing someone like me." He places a broken watch on the table. The watch that was our father that he carries around everywhere. "That saved me from a bullet today."

"A bullet!?" I exclaim. Then I take a slow breath, turning back to dish out two bowls of soup for us. "Dad's still watching over us in some way I guess."

"I still got hit, but not enough to kill me. It shouldn't take me that long to heal, but it still hurts. I was still in a lot of pain when I was piloting, but I think that's what made me give my all. I didn't have any fear."

I shake my head, grabbing the now full bowls and setting them on the table. "Your debt isn't going to be forgiven by giving your life." I go to our small fridge, taken out a couple bottles of water before taking my seat across from my brother. "Okay, so you got shot today for what? In the line of fire?"

"It's a lot more complicated than that," he picks up a spoon, placing it into his bowl of soup. "I'm not sure how much I am allowed to tell you, but I don't think I could get in any more shit if you were in on what happened out there today." His eyes stay focused on his soup.

"I would just bug you until I did," I give a small blow onto my soup. "What happened out there today?"

"We were sent out after a truck that was being driven by terrorists, and we were told that they had stolen poison gas. We were told to do whatever we could to get the truck and make sure they didn't release this gas. It ended up in the Shinjuku Ghetto, which we both know isn't doing that well. I was the first one to find the truck, and I saw a boy in a school uniform, so I went straight for him. It wasn't until that I took a closer look that I realized that I knew this boy," he looks up at me. "Sakura, I saw Lelouch today."

My eyes widen and by breath catches in my throat. The spoon in my hand stops midway to my mouth. "Lelouch?"

"Yeah, he was in the truck, but he had nothing to do with it. He was trying to help when it first crashed somewhere on the highway. He still looks the same as when we were kids, just taller now. I'm sure that you would have loved to see him."

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