Becoming Worthy

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I stand watch as Lelouch uses Geass on some guards for us to gain access into a warehouse that is used to package and ship Refrain. The Black Knights waiting for the signal to rush to our aid when we are ready.

"Send the signal," Lelouch orders as he returns to me, freaking me out a little bit with how easily he can glide through the dark.

"A warning would be appreciated," I take a deep breath, using the laser pointer to send out the signal.

"I thought you could sense me?"

"Its like you have no idea how much Geass works sometimes."

It doesn't take long for the Black Knights to be at our sides, and then we are bursting into the warehouse with guns blazing. A metal overhead door is destroyed by the barrage of bullets, causing the people working in the building to flee as quick as they can.

"The Black Knights have arrived!" Tamaki exclaims as the ones on the front lines send more bullets into the building.

There is return fire, but they are no match for Kallen in her Knightmare. She easily takes care of those on the ground, and then she's bursting through another overhead door.

Zero leads the way forward with the rest of us not far behind. The moment that we reach the room where Kallen is in, we witness her being shot at by a police Knightmare. She rushes off, but not before he takes the arm off her Knightmare. All around the room are Japanese high on Refrain, and it breaks my heart.

"Is that a police unit?" a male Black Knight asks.

"They're in on this deal?" Ohgi asks. "Tamaki!"

"Don't look at me," Tamaki defends. "When I checked it out, the cops weren't involved."

"Corrupted filth," Lelouch says.

"So much for helping those in need," I sneer.

We rush over to witness Kallen, her Knightmare now only having one leg, protecting a middle-aged woman. Even from this distance I can tell that it is her mother. Hearing her call out for Kallen only confirms it as fact for me. The police unit runs out of bullets, but uses a sword like object to try and kill the girl, but she has more skill than whoever is piloting the police unit. She is able to use the grappling hooks (the slash harkens) to grab onto the large metal shelfs and drag them over to them. The police unit hatch being crushed in the process.

"Kallen!" Ohgi calls out as the others rush over to check on her.

"Those are the people that I am fighting for," I click my heels together. "They are the ones that break my heart to know aren't able to live like before."

Kallen stumbles out of her Knightmare, rushing over to her mother.

"Why is her mother here?" Lelouch asks.

"The same reason everyone else is," I reply. "She's holding onto the past. She's holding onto the happy times. She is holding onto the Kallen that she remembers. She sacrificed for her daughter to get a better life, and this is where she's found herself."

"How do you know so much about her?"

"Hm? Oh, Kallen and I have become close, and I ask questions to get to know her better. She's my friend, and I care about her. I can trust her."

"These people need medical help."

"They are going to get in trouble with the law, but at this point it might be better for them. It won't be long before we are making a better life for all of them. Making a better life for those who have been pushed down too many times." I take a deep breath. "But it is good that Kallen has forgiven her mother. I don't know what clicked for her, but I don't think it really matters for us. I can only hope that we succeed in creating the perfect world for those who aren't strong enough to protect themselves."

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