Becoming a Royal Knight

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I sit on the couch in the room of Lelouch and my new room in the submarine that was provided to us thanks to all the amazing people in the district of India. If only I could enjoy this moment as we are taking it for it's first journey, but I feel like I am getting in trouble as Lelouch paces around the room in front of me. My gaze has been locked on my knees for what feels like forever.

"Are you mad at me?" I force myself to look up at Lelouch.

He stops walking, turning to face me. "No, I'm not mad at you. I'm...shocked that its him. That every time it has been him."

"But I kept such a big thing from you. From everyone. And I know that it was wrong, but I couldn't out my brother. I couldn't tell you that it was someone that we loved doing the thing that was messing us up the most. I wanted to, but I couldn't do it. He's my brother, and I might not agree with his ideals, but I know that he's trying his hardest. That's he's always done what he does for me."

"I understand, my blossom. There's nothing that we can do about it now."

"And now he's going to be Princess Euphemia's knight," I can't stop blabbering now. "I mean, we met her the day after he was released because you killed Clovis. We spent an entire day together. I understand why she was your first love. And now my brother who I could tell had a crush on her the moment he met her is going to be her knight. I don't understand how any of this is possible. I'm in a god damn submarine right now!" I feel my hands starting to shake.

Lelouch steps up to me, placing his hands on his as he leans down to press a kiss to my lips. "We have to roll with the punches, and this is what we were dealt. Everything is going to work out. Suzaku is just another variable that we have to worry about."

"Are you okay?" I reach up to gently cup the side of his face. "I'm going to be honest, I'm not. I am not okay in the slightest. My heart has been torn apart, and all the healing that I can do isn't helping. It is still a shattered dish on the floor."

"We'll piece it back together as a pair. We will work together through all this. I am fine, and I don't need you to worry about me. Now, we need to get out and address the Black Knights."

"I don't know if I can speak in front of them. They all know," I whisper.

"Just stand behind me and I'll worry about the talking." He presses another kiss to my lips. Then he walks over to grab his mask and put it on.

I easily bring my mask to me from across the room, having to use my hands to place it on. "Thank you for letting me get all that off my chest."

"I'm always here," he nods.

Then we exit our room and head out to the main area where a small group of the Black Knights that are high enough in the new level system to be with us in the submarine. These are the people that are trusted the most, and the only ones that will hear what is about to be talked about. Lelouch takes center stage while I keep back and to the side.

"Now, due to the reorganization, a few changes have been made," Lelouch begins. "Our new Chief of Military Affairs is Kyoshiro Tohdoh."

The crowd hums with agreement and satisfaction.

"Taking charge of intelligence, espionage, and public relation matters, Diethard Reid."

The crowd lets out a groan.

"This Britannian pretty boy?" Tamaki steps up to Diethard.

I grimace, pushing onto my toes a few times because of nervous energy.

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