The Princess, The Witch, and The Solider

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I stand out in the foyer of the large building that Suzaku sent for me to come to. It has something to do with courts, trials, and all things justice system. I'm not surprised that my brother didn't come straight home after being rescued by the man named Zero, but I was surprised that he went to his court martial. He was proven innocent with Zero's testimony, but I guess he wanted to show that he wouldn't run away from his problems.

A lot has happened since the events of last night. I'm not quite sure if we'll be allowed to keep our apartment with all the negative press that my brother has received. I'm not sure what will happen to us if there were to occur. Suzaku refuses to tell me anything about Zero or what happened after the news cut out last night, but I know that my path is about to cross with Lelouch's soon. My visions never show me something for no reason. Then I had to come down to this building to figure out what the hell is going on with my brother. I've barely gotten any sleep after all the excitement that was running through me last night.

A door opens, revealing my brother with two bandages on either cheek, and the casual change of clothes that I brought him. It wasn't easy picking an outfit for him, but jeans and a tan shirt seemed fine. He had boots and a long jacket to help pull it together. He has a sack containing anything they took from him when he was arrested. He looks ready to get back to whatever he plans on doing now.

"What did they say?" I step up to him, grabbing his hand with both of mine.

"They are letting me go," Suzaku says in disbelief. "Not enough evidence."

"There is no evidence," I firmly nod. "That man named Zero said that he is the one who killed the prince, and I think that is enough for everyone to see that you are not the murderer. That you were set up for some reason. Probably because you are an 11," I grumble.

"Well, I am free now, and that is all that matters," he softly smiles. "I'm sorry if I made you worry. I wish they would have let me contact you more. I thought about you a lot when I was in there. Wondering what you were doing at home."

"Having a breakdown, then cleaning up the apartment, and then watching the news for any news on you." I fall into him, giving him a squeeze as I wrap my arms around his middle. "I'm so glad to have you back, brother. I don't know what I would have done without you."

His arms wrap about me, giving me a small squeeze. "You don't have to worry about that because I'm not going to leave you. I promised that I would always be by your side, and I intend to keep that promise. Even if it seems like at times I won't, I always have you on my mind."

I wiggle away, taking a deep breath to keep the tears from falling. "How about we go walking around town? Spend the rest of the day together?"

"That sounds like a great idea," he gives my shoulder a small shove.

I giggle, nodding my head towards the exit.

We start walking, making our way out of the building. There are countless people making their way around to the various jobs that must be going on. I barely pay them any mind.

"Out of the way please!" A soft feminine voice calls out from above us.

"What?" I look up to see a young woman fluttering down.

"Look out below!"

I quickly jump out of the way while Suzaku toss his bag away, holding his arms out to catch the girl. Well, catch isn't really the word I would use since they both fall to their knees. Neither are hurt from what I can see, so that is good.

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