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Everything is a blur of motion, but also like looking through a cover of fog. My body is frozen to the spot. Not like I was the focus of the action that is going on in front of me. My eyes are having trouble focusing on the people trapped with me in this cage.

I can feel the anger, the disappointment, coming from the boy that barged in on us. I know that he never would have guessed that this is what I have been doing with my life. That I have been fighting against the oppressors in a way that he feels goes against everything we were taught. He'll never understand that I have always had to fight differently from him to get anything in my entire life. We may be siblings, but there is so much different between us that he may never understand.

Two voices, muffled as if I were underwater, scream at each other with anger and sadness spilling out.

There is the boy that I have followed into this madness standing mere feet from me. His head dripping blood from a bullet that took his mask off. There's no place that I would rather be than right by his side. He may have tried to keep me out of this fight, but I knew that I had to participate. I had to make sure that I had a stake in the revolution. He was the perfect leader to follow.

My legs give out as I clamber to my knees. The rocks instantly causing blood to spill from scraps. There must be tears flowing from my eyes, but I can't tell anything through the haze.

A sob breaks through, and I know it is from the girl that sits behind a nearby rock. She didn't think that he was the one leading us, seeing as he isn't like us. He's supposed to be on the enemy side, yet here he is leading the revolution to take back our home. To take back what is rightfully ours. So why are you crying my friend? Why is it so bad that he is the one who has led us through all of this?

I want to look away from the scene in front of me. I don't want to watch this anymore. I want to turn back the clock and change something. Anything.

Then, before I can react, a gunshot fills my ears...


My eyes snap open as the vision fades away. I'm no longer in my teenage body's self, but I know that I will one day be there. That is the gift that I have incurred after making a deal with a witch. No matter what I do, those visions will always come true. A blessing and a curse.

"Sakura?" My brother Suzaku calls me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I hum, looking up at him. The smell of burning flesh has long since made me want to throw up.

My brother has always been right by my side no matter what. The only time that we were apart was the couple of minutes he was out of the womb before me. Other than that, we've been together all the time for ten years.

And now the entire world seems like it is falling apart as Japan has lost to Britannia, and now everything is being taken away from us. Our life as we knew it is gone. Our safety is being ripped away from us. No more will we spend the days out at the summer home as we wait out this war. Who knows what is going to happen to us now?

"Suzaku," the angry voice of the boy who has become our good friend over the last few months reaches us. "Sakura."

I look up, seeing the scowl on Lelouch's face. This hits him harder because of his family history, but I know that he wants nothing to do with them after what they did to him and his little sister. We may have only known each other a short time, but I will never forget the boy that has changed my life forever.

"I swear to you, that one day, I will obliterate Britannia!"


It was August 10, 2010 on the Imperial Calendar when the Holy Britannian Empire declared war on the island nation of Japan. Even though it had declared its neutrality to the war raging around the world. Now Britannia loomed as the world's only superpower. The hotly disputed issue was the rights to the underground resources of Japan, straining the already deep-rooted diplomatic tensions. The deciding battle was won by Britannia forces deploying use of the humanoid autonomous armored knight into combat. Better known as the Knightmare Frame. The enemy forces were much greater than first anticipated, and the Knightmares destroyed the Japanese front lines with little effort.

Area 11. The new name of the country now striped of its freedom and rights. The once proud nation of Japan was defeated and left in shambles. Now only a number was used to distinguish it from the rest of the countries under Britannia rule. Now it was just like the rest that had lost to the empire that was looking to take over the world.


Oh my gosh! I am so excited to get this story out to all of you! Code Geass is so dear to my heart, and I have been itching to write a proper fanfic for this anime. Look forward to a chapter each week, with the first few being a bit shorter than I normally do, but always packed with content. I hope you enjoyed reading, and I would love to know what you thought! :D

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