A New Player

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I groan as my alarm clock drags me from my fitful slumber. I've been starting to have dreams of something terrible happening, but I can never quite grasp the events. It isn't always easy for my visions to stay clear in my mind, especially since my mentor had to leave me seven years ago when the war broke out here in Japan. All I know is that I have visions of the future that will always come true, and that I can sometimes concentrate enough to move objects. A power that I accepted without a second thought when offered to me, but that I now wish I had more understand of what I should be using it for.

I slide out of bed, heading to my small bathroom to go through my morning routine. Nothing over the top since I haven't had to go to school for many years now. Being branded as an 11 took a lot of things away from me.

My dirty blonde hair has gotten darker over the years, and up until a few months ago I hadn't gotten a hair cut in a long time. It went from being down to my butt to now just brushing over my shoulders. My green eyes used to be bright, but they've dulled over the years as my whole life has basically been taken from me. I still try to be as optimistic as possible, with my smile being one of my favorite features of myself. As long as I can keep smiling, I know that life is going to be okay.

I'm usually not the biggest person when out in public. I only stand just over 1.6 meters, and I don't have a ton of muscle on my body. I've never had to be in any kind of fight where I didn't use my mind, so there's been no reason to need to buff up. Besides, I have always had my brother by my side to protect me.

I quickly pull my hair into a high ponytail, wash my face, brush my teeth, and relieve my bladder. Then I exit the bathroom to head to my dresser to grab an outfit of the day. I end up deciding on simple baggy red long-sleeve shirt, thin grey sweatpants, and kitten socks. I'll be confined to the apartment all day, so there's no reason to dress up. Once I feel like I have everything in order, I head out to the kitchen where I am met with my older brother making breakfast.

"Morning Suzaku," I yawn, plopping down in one of two chairs around our small kitchen table.

"Good morning Sakura," Suzaku replies, glancing back at me with a smile. "I didn't think that catch you before I left." He's wearing the all black, tight as hell, military uniform that will always irritate me.

My older brother by just a few minutes has much the same features as me. His hair is no doubt brown, and he always leaves it shaggy. His eyes are the same shade of green as mine have become, but they've always been that way as long as I can remember. He's had to make a lot of tough decisions in our lives, but I know that each and every one of them has been to make sure that I get a better future. That I am able to pursue my dreams at some point. He's always thinking of me.

My brother joined the military the moment that he was able to and has since risen in ranks to become an Honorary Britannian Solider. That whole idea makes me sick, but I also don't believe that real change can be done through the inside out. Suzaku genuinely believes that he will be able to change the world by moving up the ranks of the military. Not that they'll ever give an 11 a high enough rank. Either way, all that time spent in the military has given my brother more strength than I could ever hope to have, and he stands a bit taller than me at 1.76 meters. Even if we have different views on a lot that has happened, we are still the closest two siblings could possibly be. I wouldn't want anyone else as my older brother.

"What's on the agenda for today?" I lean back in my chair, taking in a deep breath to smell eggs and ham.

"I'll be heading in for a normal patrol with my troop, so I should be home at a decent hour," he answers, dividing up the food into two bowls. He places one in front of me, the other in front of himself as he sits down. "What about you? Are you going to head out to do some shopping? Or maybe check in on the available jobs?"

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