School Festival

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"Ladies and gentlemen!" Milly's voice explodes over the school intercom. "Thank you for waiting! The Ashford Academy annual school festival, the most open even in the Tokyo Settlement, is about to start. It will begin at the sound of this voice!"

The inhale of Nunnally fills the air, "Meow!"

The crowd outside bursts into cheers as I giggle at how cute she is.

Today I am supposed to be just a student council member helping out with this giant festival. I have various tasks and duties, but I overall need to have fun. I want to visit as many booths as possible, and enjoy a school festival that I've never had the chance of doing. It reminds me of what Japanese schools used to do during certain times of the year, but I was always too young to participate in anyway. I'll take this day in as best as I can.

"That's what I thought," Lelouch says to the person on the phone as we stand on the roof before heading down to the festival. "Sawasaki and the others proved useful in the end. We've covered all the tasks at hand."

"Yes," Diethard's voice reaches my ears when I lean into Lelouch's side. "We've gathered all the sector data on the emergency counter measures that they left behind."

"The press?" I nudge Lelouch before sitting down out of view as we spot a news crewman with a camera looking at us. He crouches down next to me as well.

"We've identified solar panels used in each settlement as well as the storage sites. Oh, and what about the collaborator issue?"

"I've handled most of it between Sakura and myself. About seventy-two percent complete. And Tohdoh?"

"He's drawing up a map of occupation targets. Broadcasting stations and such. I need you to cheek them along with the dummy plans we will be sending to Kyoto."

"I understand. I'll confirm tomorrow." He grabs the briefcase, nodding for me to stand up and follow him.

"Oh, and I know we're late reporting this to you, but regarding the operation of the Zero Squad, Ohgi has-"

"There's trouble, huge trouble!" Milly comes rushing up the stairs at us.

"I'll contact you later," Lelouch quickly hangs up and puts his phone away.

"What's going on Milly?" I ask, grabbing her hands as she steps up to us. "We were just planning to come down after checking out that everything looked good from up here."

"I know what you two were doing," she smirks, pulling me into her side. "Two lovers on the roof, trying to find a moment alone to share as chaos ensues beneath them. All they want is to show each other some love," she coos. "So romantic, but that is not the time for that," she snatches Lelouch's wrist and starts dragging us down to the main area of the festival. "The two of you can't be goofing off. Lelouch, you're the chairman of the festival, and Sakura, you have been tasked with helping him since I know how well the two of you work together."

"But everything is running fine," Lelouch protests. "There's no problem to be seen."

"I thought you were taking charge of that part?" I speak up. "I heard that the pizza was two meters wide until you decided on a twelve meter pizza! As much as I love pizza, do you think it is possible?"

"Of course," Milly smiles. "It is going to be the largest on in the entire world!"

"Just the oven and the ingredients are causing an uproar," I chuckle.

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