Mao Arrives

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"Hm, I didn't think a train ride was what you meant," I hum, holding Lelouch's hand as he looks out the window. "But I always enjoy a nice train ride." I've changed out of my school uniform into a simple blue t-shirt, black pants, and blue shoes to match.

It is the opposite of the outfit that C.C. is wearing; a white, red, and black accented dress, black and white tights, black shoes with a little heel, and a headband with a red top hat on it as her hair is in pigtails. She's never seems to truly blend in when going out, but I have always trusted that she knows what she's doing.

"So, do you love her or what?" C.C. asks. "This girl, Shirley?"

"Don't know," Lelouch answers.

"That's comforting," I give his hand a squeeze.

"What about hate?"

"Don't know," Lelouch's voice hardens.

"Then why are we heading all the way out to Narita?"

"You know the reason," he looks away from the window. "She may have discovered who I am that night. She may have seen Sakura that night as well, but you said her mask stayed on until you got there."

"And what happens if she does know? Are you going to kill her?"

My eyes widen as Lelouch lets out a gasp.

"If you have someone you don't want to lose, then the best thing to do is keep them at a distance."

"Looks like he wants to lose me then," I let out a breath.

"Her advice doesn't always have to be followed," Lelouch gives my hand a squeeze. "Are you talking from experience, C.C.?"

"No," she looks out the window. "It is a way of life."

"But...that's so sad," I pout. "If you love something let it go. If it comes back, it's yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be. That seems like a better way of life."

"Maybe," C.C. says. "But don't let anyone get in the way of what you're meant to do."

The train reaches our destination not much later, and we head to the Narita Memorial that was erected for all those that lost their lives on that fateful day not that long ago. It feels like a dream walking back to the place where so much seemed to right and wrong at the same time. It is also a little shocking to not see a single soul at the memorial.

"Damn, I thought she'd be here," Lelouch sighs.

"We'll just have to split up and look for her," C.C. says.

"Do you even know what Shirley looks like?" he scoffs.

"I can stick close to C.C. in order to point her out if we do see her," I say.

"What is up with you now?" C.C. asks.

"Just start looking," he stalks off.

"Come on, I bet we can find someone who has seen here," I grab C.C.'s hand and start dragging her in the opposite direction.

We arrived late in the afternoon, so it doesn't shock me when the sun starts to set not long after. It is strange to see all the Knightmares being used to clean up the mess and not the ones causing it. This town will never be the same.

"Hello ladies, are you lost?" a man calls out to us as he sits on his motorcycle.

"Actually, we're looking for a friend," I answer as we approach the man. "Maybe you could help us find her."

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