A New Contract

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"She's gone," Lelouch walks into his room in a daze.

"What?" I look up from my laptop where I've been diving into all kinds of politics. "What are you talking about?"

"C.C., she's gone. Mao called my phone when we were figuring out how to work together again, since we've cooled down after a couple days apart. I don't know how it happened, but they made up on that call. She left without a second thought. She walked right out without so much as a true goodbye. Then, I tried to use Geass on her, but it doesn't work. Geass doesn't affect her. She said we weren't even friends," he takes a seat at his desk. "Only co-conspirators. Mao isn't going to bother us anymore, so I guess that's good, I guess," he opens his laptop. "I didn't think she would drop both of us like that. I thought the bond with you would keep her around."

"Wow, she's just gone then?" I look down at my feet. "She told me once we came back together we wouldn't be apart again. Did she just lie to make me feel better?"

"That makes the most sense," he grumbles, picking up his phone and calling someone.

"Something just doesn't feel right about this," I lean back.

"Hello," Lelouch answers.

"I don't understand, why she would just leave me."

"Yes, I've read through your proposal for the reorganization of the Black Knights." He tosses a CD off to the side. "I have a few changes, but overall I like where you are going. I'll run it by Ohgi tomorrow." A short pause as the person on the other end responds. "In the next draft, I would like you to have a chart that predicts how the cell-based structure will be implemented. That is all." He stands up, having ended the call, and goes to look out the window.

"Who was that?"

"Diethard. Even though he's Britannian, he is proving to be even more helpful than I thought he would be."

"You don't think he's a spy, do you?"

"I haven't been able to rule that out yet," he takes his phone off his ear, looking at the screen. "Hm, I forgot, it recorded them."

"Them who?"

"C.C. and Mao."

"Well, play it," I jump up, standing next to Lelouch.

"It's me, C.C.," Mao's voice comes through the phone.

"Mao," C.C. speaks up.

"I'm going to be at Clovisland. Come alone."

"Ugh, you're as selfish as ever."

"If you don't come, I'll just have to tell the police the true identity of Zero. I can eliminate Lelouch whenever I want, and I can take down that girl along with him."

Lelouch clicks the call off, looking down at me, "You're feeling was right."

"She's not going to run away with him. She's going to end him, but I don't think it's going to be easy. I think it is our time to save her."

"She didn't leave that long ago, so we need to get going," he rushes to grab his briefcase, shoving a few more items inside. Then we are rushing out to head down to the disgusting little Clovisland.

"A bit strange, going to the theme park that your brother created," I shrug as we walk through the slightly popular street for the evening. "Or rather, was created for him."

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