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"I can't believe that I am standing in a Britannian private school," I shake my head, looking around the hall of the impressive school building that we'll be staying at for who knows how long. Our rooms are off in the dorms, and then our classes in this main building. I haven't met anyone yet, but I can already tell it isn't going to be a pleasant stay here. "In a place that a princess ensured we would get into."

"I hope you feel honored," Suzaku says. "Euphy worked hard to get us into this place since we are still 11s, so take this seriously."

"I'll always take education seriously," I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. My backpack they gave me in one of my hands. "I'm just saying that we are the odd balls out here. There's going to be prejudice, and I want you to remember that, Suzaku."

"I know," he sighs. "But I think this will be good for us. To see the other side."

"You two, it is time to introduce you," the teacher sticks his head out the doorway into the hall. "I've got your seats figured out, so there's no time like the present."

Suzaku enters first with me close behind. We take our places at the front of the class, where all talking stops as the kids stare at us in shock. I'm sure they all know about the charges placed on my brother, but I doubt most know who I am. It's not like I've been given any time in the spotlight since I was a kid.

"Please introduce yourselves," the teacher nods, standing behind his desk.

"Hello everyone," Suzaku starts. "I'm Suzaku Kururugi, and it is a pleasure to be joining you from this day forward."

"Hello," I slightly wave. "My name is Sakura Kururugi, and I am excited to learn with all you." My eyes scan over the classroom to see try and catch any welcoming faces, but I'm shocked to see that a familiar raven-haired boy is sitting in the middle of the classroom.

"Great," the teacher says. "Now, Mr. Kururugi, take the seat in the back row, and Miss Kururugi, the one seat next to Kallen."

A girl with short straight red hair, blue eyes slightly closed, fair skin, and wearing the same Ashford Academy school uniform as myself, raises her hand.

Suzaku and I make our way to our seats as a few whispers rise up from the students.

"It's nice to meet you," Kallen says as I take my seat. Her voice smooth, but I have a feeling that she's playing it up.

"Same to you," I slightly smile. "Better not talk to me too long, as I am a dirty 11," I tease.

"Oh, I don't care about that," she flashes a smirk as her eyes widen with excitement for a moment. "We're going to get along more than you know."

"I'm intrigued."

"Alright class, enough talking," the teacher speaks up. "It is time for class to begin. If you want to talk with your new classmates, don't do it on my time. Now, turn your eyes toward the board."

I'm not sure how I get through this first period without losing my mind. It all seems too simple for a high school classroom, but then again, I've always been smarter than my peers. There's a reason that I've always been drawn to politics to be smarter than even those smartasses. Besides that though, I am a bit distracted by the girl sitting beside me. Kallen doesn't do anything to take my attention off the teacher, but her words are still floating around in my mind. There's something about her that feels different than all the other students in this room. Something that makes me want to ask her a thousand questions. Something that makes me want to stick with her through a lot of different things.

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