Fire and Ice: Marelliana

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Weekly oneshot this week is... *drumroll*


Human AU, I haven't done one of those in a while

Marella was the sun.

Or, at least, that was how Biana thought of her.

Every inch of her, from her glowing golden hair to her freckled skin to her shining smile practically radiated heat and light.

Her fiery personality shot off sparks whenever she spoke, and her laughs were edged with fire.

Speaking to her sent heat through Biana's body, and she wanted to drink of every droplet of happiness from the blonde's laughs and teases.

Marella wasn't the sun, but she was her sun.

Biana's life revolved around her. She was drawn to her like a moth to a flame, and imagining her life without her was soon impossible.

Every touch, every kiss sent sparks flaring around them until Biana was convinced she was glowing.

Marella was heat and light and impromptu adventure and everything Biana wanted but could never receive.

Yes, Marella was her sun.

Except for her eyes, which were shimmering pools of ice. Alive with glittering pools of water that reflected her surroundings, but capable of freezing over in a heartbeat.


"Hey," Biana smiled, brushing back one of Marella's braids that had fallen over her eyes as she knelt next to her. The blonde glanced up, and their eyes met for a second before Marella's head dropped back down.

Just that one glance told Biana everything she needed to know- she'd gotten to know every line of Marella's face by now, and she'd spent ages looking into her girlfriend's eyes and studying the speckles of silver in the piercing blue.

Sometimes, her eyes were filled with mirth, dancing with glee and excitement. Sometimes, they were filled with sadness, tears pooling and spilling over. Sometimes, they were expressionless, frozen into a flat expanse of ice.

Today, they were angry. 

Icy venom showed as Marella's fists clenched and her furious eyes closed, head tilting away from Biana.

Biana knew better than to ask what was wrong. Marella would share it in her own time, and the most Biana could do was be here.

So she sat down next to her girlfriend, close enough to let their elbows bump.

For a little bit they simply sat quietly, Marella keeping her head down as Biana stared ahead thoughtfully. Then Biana spoke, her words slow and precise.

"Did you know," she said leisurely. "That when I was younger, I wanted to be a dancer?"

Evidently, this surprised Marella enough that she lifted her head for a second, the ice in her eyes thawing a bit as Biana continued.

"My parents thought that was a silly profession. They wanted- want- me to be a doctor or some other serious job. But I still danced my heart out. Ballet, modern, tap; if there was dancing going on, I'd join in.

"I tried so hard to get into a special dance school. I would've done anything; I practiced for months and watched videos and came up with the best costume. When tryouts came, I was so excited. I tried my hardest, and I thought I did really well. But the judges didn't think so, so I didn't get in."

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