I Need You (or, Bending Until I Break): Keefitz (continued)

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Klutzyfox, you requested that I continue I Need You... and lo and behold, I actually did-

Be warned, angst ahead!

"It's someone, I know it!" Keefe tapped his fingers on Fitz's shoulders- probably just to be annoying- and Fitz closed his eyes involuntarily, his anger growing even as a blush worked its way onto his cheeks.

"Marella? Surely not... Stina?" Keefe pinched Fitz's shoulder.

The careful leash he kept on his temper snapped, and he blurted out the words before he was aware that he'd decided to say them.

"It's you, okay? It's you."

(I'm sorry, Fitz would think whenever he thought back to this moment in the future. I'm so sorry)

Keefe didn't move, and Fitz wondered if the blonde had heard him say the words.

Those shameful, dreaded words that Fitz already wished he could take back.

Because now Keefe's eyes widened, and he cleared his throat quickly. Fitz noticed the small step back, the way he snatched back his hand and hid it behind his back. The way his cheeks flushed and he suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if he couldn't handle the fact that his best friend was in love with him.

To be fair, Fitz thought that was how he'd react, too.

At least the empath didn't seem angry. Fitz scanned his face carefully, feeling his own cheeks flame as his gaze brushed over Keefe's lips.

Keefe shook out his arms, and Fitz remembered that he could feel everything swimming through his head.

How he hadn't figured it out before, Fitz had no idea. But now, apparently, he recognized the emotions for what they were.

"I'm sorry," the telepath said quickly. "I didn't mean to..." But he had. Even though he wished he didn't, he'd known exactly what he'd been doing.

It was enough. He was done with the lies, with backing away when Keefe got too close and willing the blush away and trying to keep his emotions in check. He was done.

(Fitz screamed and sobbed and cursed over and over, but no one ever heard him)

And even though his feelings shouldn't exist, and Keefe would never feel the same way...

He was done with the lies.

Keefe opened his mouth, and Fitz waited for rejection. But the words that escaped were, "You couldn't have said this a year ago?"

(I'm sorry)

The words hit Fitz, washed over him like the wind bends stalks in a field. Bent him back, back, until he cracked under the strain... fractured, but didn't break.

Wouldn't break.

Couldn't break.

"Oh, come on," Keefe snapped, his eyes narrowing. His anger was sudden but expected, even if it came for a reason that Fitz had never seen. "You never noticed? You never saw? You never realized?"

And Fitz cracked a little more.

(I'm so sorry)

"I didn't-"

"I'm sorry, Fitz," Keefe said slowly. "But you're too late."

"Keefe- wait-"

(Fitz saw his future then, and knew this was the moment it all fell apart, the moment he lost him-)

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