Many More To Come: Dexiana

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Requested by @Fitzphieistrash

Diana time!


"Can I- um. Can I come over?" Biana asked tentatively. She'd never really been over at his house alone... What if he didn't want her to come over or he'd rather be at hers or they shouldn't even be talking because he still thought she was snobby and-

"Sure," Dex blinked. He was obviously surprised, but he didn't seem reluctant or anything like that.

Maybe that was a hint of happiness in his eyes? Excitement?

Or maybe she was reading too much into it.

Changing into a simple teal tunic, Biana braided her hair down her back, deciding not to do anything fancy. Dex didn't like that kind of stuff.

She leaped over to his house, unable to stop the butterflies in her stomach that always came when she saw him.

He was waiting for her when she glittered into view, materializing with the rest of the landscape. His hair was styled into the swoopy style she'd shown him during a sleepover, pronouncing his cheekbones and making him look older.

It made it even harder to stop the jump in her stomach when she saw him.

"Hey," Dex grinned, waving awkwardly as she made her way over. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Biana shrugged. "Just wanted to see you."

Was that a... blush? Creeping up on Dex's cheeks?

It was probably just the light. And wishful thinking.

"Want to come inside?" Dex invited, sweeping an arm towards the mansion behind him. "The triplets are at a friend's house, and my parents aren't home, so it's fine to go in."

Biana nodded gratefully- the air was always a little chilly outside Rimeshire- and followed him inside. He hesitated as they got inside, before shaking his head slightly and leading the way upstairs. He unhooked a tripwire from a doorknob, dismantled what looked like a whole high-tech security system complete with lasers and retina scanners, and used his technopathy to unlock the door the rest of the way.

Catching her quizzical glance, Dex explained, "The triplets still somehow managed to get into my room with the tripwire and the lock, so I had to get creative."

Biana laughed, following him inside his room. 

His. Room.

She'd never actually been there before. Dex didn't like having people to his house in general, and on the rare occasions she'd gone to the house with her other friends, they always stayed in another room or outside rather than going up.

So she wasn't expecting the entire laboratory that greeted her when she stepped through.

Two separate ones, actually.

"Oh, wow," she breathed, her eyes drinking in the sight. The rather large room was divided in half; one side was dedicated to alchemy, with bubbling concoctions and vials filled with vibrantly colored elixirs, while the other half was a technology wonderland. Gears and springs and spare parts were scattered everywhere at random, with half built machines laying haphazardly on a table and around it. There was a bed stuck in the middle of the room almost as an afterthought, and besides all of his creations, there weren't really many personal effects anywhere.

"Sorry, it's a mess," Dex bit his lip nervously. "I would've cleaned but I wasn't planning on bringing you up here, and there's really no point because it'll get messay again anyway."

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