I Need You: Keefitz

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Yes, I have been in a Keefitz mood lately. They're just too cute, okay.

 So here is yet another Keefitz oneshot for this week's oneshot!

Fitz threw another prattle at Keefe's head. It bounced off, hitting the floor. The blonde boy didn't stir from the cot, as still as he'd been the last prattle, and the one before that, and the one before.

A surge of annoyance rose in Fitz at the silence surrounding him, and he scowled at the empath laying on the cot in the Healing Center.

His anger wasn't rational- he was definitely aware of that- and it wasn't fair, either. But it rose in him with every breath Keefe took, because he was asleep and he was in trouble and he might never wake up.

Maybe volunteering to watch Keefe was a bad idea.

"I hate you, you know." Fitz's voice almost startled him. He hadn't meant to say the words, and they echoed through the empty Healing Center. His voice sounded harsh in the silence, slicing through the almost peace of the room.

"I hate you for lying there. For being stupid enough to fall into your mom's trap, for being in danger and leaving us to clean up the mess. For lying there while the world falls apart. For not being there for me when Alvar was there, for letting Sophie and Biana go after me while you whined over your mom and Sophie. Like I'm not allowed to be angry at my evil brother, but you're allowed to be angry at your evil mom.

"She is evil, you know. You try to deny it, and you flinch whenever someone says it because you're afraid of facing her. But we will have to face her. And you have to get that through your head, and Sophie will help you through it."

The thought bothered him enough that Fitz shook his head angrily.

"But you know why I really hate you? Because you can't just let anyone be happy. Anytime we're having a conversation you have to butt in and interrupt and make a comment and kill the mood. You have to have attention, and I hate you because I have to have attention too. Because we were raised that way, and I hate that we're so alike in so many ways and neither of us is willing to acknowledge it, because we're all bent out of shape over a girl."

A harsh laugh escaped Fitz's throat, and suddenly there were tears in his eyes. "I hate you," he whispered, so soft that he could hardly hear himself. "Because you never bothered to figure out that my life had flaws too, and I was left trying to ignore that fact that yours was collapsing around you."

The tears escaped, and Fitz buried his head in his hands, quiet. After a second, he murmured, "I don't actually hate you, you know. I... I hate myself. I hate myself for blaming you for things that were my fault, for having the perfect life and still wanting more.

"You were my best friend, Keefe. My best friend. And we still don't know each other at all.

"Can you forgive me? For everything I've done? For all the times I've lost control and gotten angry and blamed you and made her cry? Because I'm sorry. I really, really am, and I wish that you would be here to talk to me and distract me and hear me apologize for everything I've said.

"I wish you were awake. Please wake up."

He was kneeling at the edge of the cot, now. Tears were openly streaming down his cheeks, but he didn't bother wiping them away. He didn't know how long he stayed there, but suddenly he was aware that his eyes had been dry for a while, and his knees were aching from the contact with the hard, cold floor.

There was nothing else to say.

He couldn't hear him.

But maybe he could.

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