Secret Whispers: FedEx

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MirmackulousLadybug, your FedEx oneshot request! Sorry it took so long, I have been very unmotivated-

This mostly matches the prompt, hope that's okay

They were whispering again.

Fitz tried not to glance over at Biana and Dex yet again as they sat together, heads close together as they spoke in swift murmurs.

Biana squeezed Dex's fingers, and Fitz told himself that he was worried about his little sister.

He was an overprotective older brother, he reminded himself, even though he'd never been before. There was no other explanation for the leaping in his stomach, no other reason that his eyes were narrowed as they took in the sight.

(they looked so comfortable together, and Fitz tried to convince himself the jealousy rising in his throat was worry for Biana)

There was no other option, no other way.

Dex glanced over at Fitz, and the telepath quickly looked away, feeling his face flame to be caught staring.

It wasn't entirely a surprise, Fitz supposed, a twinge in his stomach telling him that he should have expected it.

They'd been spending more time together, supporting each other and holding each others hands.

Occasionally, they would glance over at Fitz and then quickly away.

He had no idea why.

Of course, there were millions of things he didn't know.

(he didn't know why he still tried to gain his father's approval. he didn't know why he continued to lash out at people who tried to help him. he didn't know why he continued to pretend he wanted Sophie when he didn't know what- or who- he wanted, anymore)

But most of all, he had no idea why whenever he met Dex's eyes, his stomach grew wings.

He couldn't figure out that when he smiled at the technopath, it seemed softer than his flashy grins at Sophie or Linh or anyone else.

And he didn't want to know why no matter how many scowls Dex sent him, no matter how many times he was pushed away, he couldn't seem to stop coming back for more.


"What were you and Dex talking about?" Fitz kept his voice casual as he walked home with his sister. He wasn't exactly sure why he'd even asked.

Especially as she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, a smirk curling her lips. "Oh, this and that. Why would you like to know, brother dear?"

"No reason." But even though he kept his face impassive, his hands clenched and unclenched nervously as he ventured, "Are you two..."

Biana studied his face. Whatever she saw on his supposed mask of calm made her eyes sparkle with excitement.

Fitz frowned. 

"Together?" Biana finished, a tinkle in her tone that just about answered his question. "Why do you ask?"

"Just want to make sure," he answered, attempting to keep his voice casual.

He didn't care, he told himself. Not beyond making sure his little sister didn't get hurt.

But he found himself waiting impatiently for her answer, and somewhere in his gut, he knew it was more than big brother instincts.

"We are most certainly not together, Fitz," Biana informed him, the cheer in her voice unwavering.

He blinked at her in confusion, but had enough sense not to voice it as he said, "Good, then."

Simply because Dex was his friend, and he didn't want to start looking at the technopath differently.

Even though he already had.


"Wait, really?" 

Of all the things for him to blurt out, those words were not the ones he wanted.

Dex's face was wavering, now, uncertain as his arms lowered slightly.

He was holding a ripplefluff. A chocolate mint one, to be exact.

His favorite.

"Sorry," Fitz said quickly, stumbling over the words as he gently took the dessert from the technopath's waiting hands. "I mean, yes."

"Yes?" Dex's face brightened, as if a light had clicked on.

Fitz felt a smile curve his lips. "Yeah. Thank you," he added quietly. There was something in his stomach, fluttering around.

Something in his eyes, making them sparkle.

Something in his heart, making it glow.

"Sorry this wasn't perfect," Dex grinned. And there was something in his heart, too, Fitz realized.

As if they were beating together, and the touch of their hands had made them spark. Fitz could almost feel the warmth from Dex's smile.

NOT my best. I wasn't super motivated for this, I'm afraid my motivation has left me again-

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