Matching Swords: Zukka

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broken_hearts_57, your Zukka oneshot request! (Ignore the title. Like, block it from your mind. I couldn't think of anything-)

*spoiler alert for Avatar: The Last Airbender*

*like seriously I do not want to spoil anything so if you don't know what happens with the Blue Spirit don't read this*

I really need to rewatch Avatar because I forgot what happened to the Blue Spirit and what exactly happened to the mask anyway, but also if I managed to guess right this could still be spoiler-worthy, also in who the Blue Spirit really is-

And since I forgot what happened, if this looks weird... it's for that reason-

Zuko's hand trailed absently through the pond, the tips of his hair just barely avoiding brushing the water. Ripples spread through it, the turtleducks letting out tiny squeaks as they bobbed up and down slightly.

A smile curled Zuko's lips at the fluffy creatures, and he let out a breath.

"What are you grinning about?" Sokka's voice sounded behind him, and Zuko twisted to face him. There was a strange leap in his stomach as he met Sokka's eyes, but he ignored it.

"Nothing," the firebender answered, sitting up as Sokka settled beside him, elbows resting on his knees. "Just... happy that it's all over."

Sokka gave a hmm of agreement, his head tilted thoughtfully to the side. "Have all the loose ends been tied up?"

Zuko scanned his memory for all that had been done over the past year, fingers tapping against the edge of the pond. "I think so. Everything has been as fixed as it could be, or is in the process."

"What about the Blue Spirit?" Sokka asked casually, his finger tracing a circle in the pond, sending ripples through the water.

It took Zuko a second to place the name, why it sent nervous, paranoid jitters through his limbs. It had been so long ago, but he couldn't keep his eyes from widening with shock and his fists from tightening.

"What's wrong?" Sokka moved a little closer, and it took Zuko a second to push out the images flashing through his mind.

(a mask flashing as it fell through the air, Ursa tugging their hands as they watched a show, dual swords slicing and moving through the air-)

"Nothing," Zuko remembered to answer. "I'm fine. Just... surprised."

"Did you not catch him?" Sokka's head tilted, a glimmer of interest shimmering through his eyes. "He just... stopped showing up, didn't he."

Zuko side-eyed him, wondering if he'd discovered who had really been the Blue Spirit. Trying to block out the flashing of swords as they slashed through Aang's chains.

"He's gone," Zuko said vaguely. "Forever. Why?"

"You mean he's dead?" Sokka avoided the question, his hands moving to rip up individual strands of grass at his feet.

Zuko watched Sokka's fingers deftly pluck out each piece of grass and arrange them on the edge of the pond. "You could say that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sokka looked up again, and Zuko ignored the swoop in his stomach as their eyes met. His cheeks heated slightly.

"Why do you want to know about him?" Zuko held Sokka's stare curiously. He wasn't exactly sure why he didn't want the other to know that the Blue Spirit had been him, but continued to avoid the question.

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