Never Let Go: Solinhiana

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Solinhiana, requested by @WynnAndLuna25! 

This was requested SO LONG AGO, sorry it took so long... I basically forgot about it and then only now found it-

The girls ambled mindlessly down the meadow, holding their aching stomachs that were sore from laughing.

"Please- no more," Sophie gasped, and hiccuped, setting them off again.

They caught their breath after a little while, occasional giggles slipping out now and then.

Sophie tripped over a nonexistent stone (of course she did) and fell onto the grass on her knees. Linh and Biana collapsed beside her in solidarity, until all three were piled on top of each other in the grass, back to laughing.

"Where were we going, again?" Biana asked suddenly.

"Nowhere!" Linh grinned. "Just a walk into the unknown, a walk of mysteries and twilight and ancient discoveries!"

"What?" Sophie asked as they all giggled. "What does that even mean?"

"It doesn't have to make sense, Soph," Linh responded, shaking her finger at her friend teasingly. "That's the beauty of nature. Nothing has to make sense!"

"But nature does make-"

"No it doesn't," Biana chimed cheerfully. "Like alicorns, who can fly and fight and carry huge horns on their foreheads even though they're supposed to have hollow bones to fly like a bird."

"No need to get all smart," Linh poked the brunette in the stomach. "How can I ever measure up to your intelligence?" She collapsed woefully back onto the grass, her splayed arms and legs just barely avoiding smacking Sophie in the face.

Biana snorted, letting her fingers play through Linh's dark hair.

"Nature doesn't make sense," Linh insisted. 

"You don't make sense," Sophie shot back, giggling.

"None of us make sense," Biana concluded, nodding her head firmly. Her hair moved around her face in silky waves, and Sophie found her eyes caught on the brown locks before she tore her gaze away.

"True," Linh nodded. She reached to the side and pulled Sophie down to lay beside her and Biana, and she laced their fingers together. Sophie rubbed her thumb along the callused skin of Linh's hand, smiling as she squinted her eyes from the bright sun.

"Thanks for coming here, today," Linh said suddenly.

"Of course!" Biana said cheerfully, exchanging a glance with Sophie. When Linh had hailed them, they'd immediately left to see her; especially since her voice had been the slightest bit wavery, which for Linh was like full-on sobs.

"No, really. It... means a lot," Linh looked at both of them in turn, twisting her head from side to side on the grass. "It helps, you know?"

"Yeah," Sophie smiled softly. She and Biana had done their fair share of hailing each other, and she knew it was hard for Linh to admit to not being okay.

Biana pulled them closer, until they were a tangle of limbs as they hugged, grasping each other tightly and never letting go.

Twas a little short, but yeah

Sorry for the delayyyy!

Solinhiana is so cute I can't-

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