Saved By The Moon: Kaider

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annabethchase57, your Kaider human au request!

Sometimes, Kai felt like he was drowning.

The weight of his responsibilities and the expectations heaped on his shoulders since he as a child pushed him down, down, each added task a new wave.

He had to swim, to stay afloat, but the pressure pushing him down had no resistance. He had no resistance.

He was drowning, and he couldn't find the will to come up for air.

There was no shore, because the tidal wave forced upon him was never-ending.

The sun taunted him, raising the waves higher and higher, giving him a dash of light that disappeared as his head fell back under the water.

It was a light above him, a constant circle of white and yellow, and he held onto it even as it burned his retinas and raised a tsunami that sent him so deep down, he wasn't sure he could ever be found.

Until he was.

She liked to say she was the sun, for she knew so much about it that Kai almost learned not to fear its burning light causing the waves to fill his lungs.

But he knew the truth.

She wasn't sun.

Cinder was the moon.

Elusive and mysterious until he learned more, until he peeled back the layers that she had built around herself as protection.

Beautiful and shining and silvery with lovely grace. 

Sometimes, it hid itself away in the darkness that surrounded it. It veiled itself in shadows, speaking its smooth tones to convince others not to listen.

But Kai knew better, and he searched for the moon in the sky, for Cinder in her shadows. He found the faint silhouette and coaxed it from its gloom.

The moon caused the waves that crashed over him, but it also let them recede.

Allowed him a chance to breathe.

Just like Cinder.


"I got something for you," Kai told her. She raised an eyebrow, allowing him to lead her through the woods.

"It better be a yacht," she told him. "Or I might break up with you."

"Cinder, we live nowhere near any body of water."

"Yeah, but I'd love to have a yacht."

He rolled his eyes, but she saw a smirk curling his lips as he led her into a clearing. Cinder shielded her eyes from the sudden burst of sun, blinking rapidly.

She scanned the area, but it was empty. "Wow," she said, a hint of disappointment landing in her stomach. "Grass."

Kai shook his head, pointing to the trees ahead. "Look there."

Her eyes adjusted to the sunlight, and she caught a glimpse of her gift.


"You got me a treehouse?" Cinder gasped, her heart giving a little flip as she ran ahead to the medium-sized house perched on a large tree branch.

"I got us a treehouse," Kai corrected, a smile growing on his face at her excitement. "If- if you want it."

"Are you kidding?" Cinder turned to stare at him incredulously. "Of course I want it. It's a treehouse, Kai. A house. In a tree."

"Yes, it is," he smirked, sticking his hands in his pockets. Cinder snatched his hand and pulled him to the house, and he almost stumbled as she tugged him along.

"Oh, stop trying to be mature. You know you're just as excited as I am. You got it for us for a reason," she snorted, running a hand down the rope ladder hanging from the door.

He grinned, and she saw his plan a split second before he leaped for the ladder, jumping fully onto it before scampering up.

"Hey!" she shouted, quickly climbing up behind him. She went slowly, though, having to work with her prosthetic limbs, and he was smirking down at her by the time she reached the top.

"What took you so long, darling," Kai purred when she finally got within slapping distance. "I've been waiting here for ages-"

"I will push you out of this treehouse, jerk," she warned, narrowing her eyes in warning. "Cheater."

"I wasn't aware there were any rules to break."

"My house, my rules. My rules, I'm in charge. I get firsties."

"Oh, but of course, Princess. Goddess of the Sun and the Moon. My Liege-"

"Good to know you're finally saying the right things," Cinder nodded, a soft smile curling her lips. "And thank you, Kai. I mean it."

He grinned, something in his eyes softening as he responded, "You're welcome."


Kai was drowning, sometimes.

But there was a shore in sight, and she was the moon that lifted the waves to carry him to it.

He was drowning, but he didn't have to be.

He was drowning, but he knew how to come up for air.

I did not proofread because I do not have the motivation, but yeah there's that! Hope you liked it!

Kaider and Jacinter are actually the only TLC ships I like. So this was cool to write :)

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