Tell Me Again: Keefitz

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Quick little Keefitz fluff thing! Comes from a tumble prompt, I wrote this in about five minutes and did not proofread, so that's why it's so short and possibly sloppy

Figured it was time for some fluff-

"You know," Fitz began thoughtfully, tracing his thumb over Keefe's knuckles thoughtfully. "I think I love you."

"Do you really?" Keefe turned his head to the side, bumping his nose gently against his boyfriend's cheek. "That's good to know. I wasn't aware."

Fitz smirked. "Jerk."

"Yes, Wonderboy?" Keefe blinked innocently at the telepath, his long lashes batting against Fitz's cheek, tickling his skin in delicate butterfly kisses.

"Don't you have something you want to say to me?"

"Hmmm... no," Keefe teased, flicking Fitz's cheek. "I don't suppose I do."

Laughter rang through his tone, and Fitz rolled his eyes. "I suppose you don't get dessert tonight, in that case."

Keefe shot up from where he was leaning against Fitz's side, lazily whacking at the soft strands of his boyfriend's hair. "You wouldn't dare."

"Wouldn't I?" Keefe's sudden absence left a cold spot on Fitz's side, and he crossed his arms.

Keefe sighed dramatically, a dramatic expression of horror and betrayal carefully plastered over his face. "Fine," he agreed easily. "I suppose I'm in love with you, too."

"Tell me again," Fitz said, his voice suddenly breathless as a smile spread over his face. They'd said the words before, and every time, warmth burst through Fitz's blood, thrumming through his veins. Every time, the air was stolen from his lungs, his stomach flipping anew.

Keefe sat back down, lacing his fingers with his boyfriend's as he stared deeply into Fitz's teal eyes. The corner of the telepath's mouth twitched up despite a valiant attempt to keep a straight face (as if he could ever be straight).

Keefe's gaze was dramatically serious as he announced, "Fitz, the light of my life and king of my heart, gorgeous wonderboy and fabulous maker of delicious treats, I love you."

Fitz leaned forward and laid a quick kiss on the tip of his nose, and Keefe's face was so comically surprised and pleased that the telepath laughed. "Your mallowmelt privileges are returned."

"Returned to...?" Keefe cocked his head to the side expectantly, his eyes sparkling with glee.

Fitz made a face, but he indulged him, saying, "Your mallowmelt privileges are returned, my Lord Hunkyhair, diamond in the rough, extremely handsome and talented artist, etc, etc, whatever you told me to call you."

It was Keefe's turn to kiss him, but this time, their lips met. Keefe's fingers brushed a piece of Fitz's hair from his eyes, his fingers gentle against the telepath's skin.

When they broke apart, they were both smiling, and Fitz didn't think he'd ever want to stop.

Short and sweet

did I fluff right-

my angst writing is honestly so much better than my fluff it's kinda tragic-

oh well lkasjdlkj

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