Kiss Away The Tears: Marellinh

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Weekly oneshot! It's midnight so this is technically two days late but I'm gonna count it as one day late because until I sleep, the new day hasn't started.

Marellinh this week! Enjoy :)

Sad movies got her every time.

Especially if there was an animal death; those were always the saddest to her, and she couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her face whenever anything sad happened.

Even sweet scenes made her cry; something about comfort and reunion just made her lip tremble and tears form in her eyes.

Linh was a sap, and she knew it.

Marella certainly wasn't.

The blonde laughed during horror movies.

So naturally, Linh was hesitant to ask her girlfriend to watch a movie with her; but when Marella suggested one for a date night, how could she say no?

She wasn't tempted to refuse, really; Marella had promised fluffy blankets and snuggles, and since those were two of Linh's favorite things, she almost dropped her phone in excitement at the idea.

But there was still a part of her that was nervous that Marella was going to think she was too easily affected by a romance and too scared over a horror movie. Maybe Marella would be embarrassed to watch anything else with her; maybe she'd want to break up.

That part was small (Marella wouldn't break up with her over something like crying about a movie) but it was still there, causing her stomach to swarm with nervous butterflies as she opened her front door nervously to let Marella in.

"Hey babe," Marella grinned, pecking her on the lips. Linh smiled at the name, closing the door behind her girlfriend as she stepped inside.

"Hey," Linh followed her into the kitchen as Marella took control, popping a bag of microwave popcorn into the microwave and heading into the small living room, where a couch was layered with Linh's fluffy blanket collection and a bunch of pillows.

Marella nodded in approval, tossing a thumbs up over her shoulder at Linh as she flopped onto the couch.

Linh snorted endearingly at her and headed back into the kitchen as the microwave beeped signaling that the popcorn was ready. Once it was all in a bowl and ready, Linh plopped onto the couch next to her and curled up, head on her girlfriend's shoulder as she pressed play on the movie.

Marella's arm went around her naturally, and Linh sank into the familiar warmth of her side as the beginning credits rolled and they tucked the blankets around each other securely.

As the movie played, Linh could feel herself holding back tears.  She forced herself to take a deep breath, then another (she won't judge you, she scolded herself. Stop trying to hide)  let her eyes fill up and spill over.

Linh knew Marella noticed when the blonde stiffened.

The brunette imagined Marella was wondering if Linh was crying because of something she did (because who would cry at this movie?). But she relaxed after a few seconds, her arm tightening around her girlfriend as she rested her head on the other's.

Marella's fingers played with Linh's hair absentmindedly, and Linh smiled.

She caught her girlfriend's hand and twined their fingers together, and she felt Marella smiled against her hair.

"Thanks for agreeing to this," Marella whispered, and it took Linh a second to recognize her shaky voice.

Marella, the butt-kicking finding-horror-movies-hilarious fire-breathing queen, was crying.

Linh doubted it was because of the movie.

So she smiled back through her own tears and murmured, "Couldn't have missed it."

Her voice was wavery too, but she didn't mind.

They kissed each other's tears away as the movie continued to play, unnoticed, in the background.

So I love cliche movie nights and everything. And I wanted to write one tonight, I noticed I hadn't written Marellinh in a while, boom.

Linh totally has a fluffy blanket collection. And she cries during every single movie ever. 

Marella's nickname for Linh is babe, you cannot change my mind. 

So yeah, this week's oneshot! Haha no, this was not proofread. It's midnight and I have school tomorrow so I suppose I'll actually have to sleep now. Also I'm lazy and I don't feel like proofreading-

Hope you liked it!

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