ENTRY | Day Eleven: First Kiss

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I really didn't know what happened. I just found myself writing them. Forgive me.


Featherlight (Rome & Aiane)

It wasn't a secret that she wasn't a huge fan of parties. And the crowd. The only reason why she goes is because of her mother, who insists, oftentimes, that they all come along to show some courtesy and respect.

If it was only her, she would've chose to stay inside her room and bury her nose under the piles of books she'd either borrowed from the library, bought from a bookstore or gotten from her father's collection.

She slumped back further into her seat, with her arms crossed against her chest and her wrinkled face— which didn't make her any less beautiful, only cuter.

Aiane could've stayed behind to watch over the manor but she knew people would question her whereabouts, and in that comes along a series of unpleasant stories about her parents she didn't want to ever hear.

She just hoped she bought at least a book to pass her time instead of boring herself in her seat, waiting for the party to be over. If only there was someone around her age she could talk with, that would've been a lot nicer than just simply sitting out in an event like this. But, of course, even if someone her age was hanging around the dull and spiritless party, that doesn't really guarantee he or she would actually talk to the likes of her: a freak.

"Aiane," she looked up from her slouching, "what are you doing here alone?"

"Hey." she greeted unenthusiastically. "Didn't know you're here."

Rome smiled at her and gestured for the chair beside hers. Without waiting for her answer, he slid into the seat next to her.

"I didn't want to, either."

Pinaningkitan niya ito ng mata. "Really?"

Rome nodded. "Really.

Aiane sighed in relief, grateful that there was someone inside that hall who doesn't like the same crowd just as much. "Thank god." she whispered to herself before throwing another curious gaze at Rome. "Then what are you doing here?"

"My Aunt," Rome replied. "She's hosting this party."

She wished she didn't say the words spiritless and dull inside her head. She suddenly felt guilty saying anything about the party knowing it was Rome's Aunt that got her into this.

"Great party,"

Rome chuckled, leaning back into his seat, an amused smile playing on his lips. "I wasn't expecting that."

Now she felt even guiltier. Aiane wished she was good at lying like the rest of the numbered people she knew.

"What do you mean?" was her safe reply.

"You've been bored to death since the moment you sat in this chair." he said, as if he's been watching her for a long time. "I don't think this party is great for you."

Aiane blushed profusely. She prayed the floor would open up that instant and swallow her whole: shock, guilt and embarrassment.


"Don't worry about it," Rome immediately countered with a smile. "It kinda bores me, too. I guess parties like this are just not our kind of stuff."

Aiane let out a breath of relief. She thought she was screwed, thinking that Rome was gonna come after her throat for acting like a diva in his Aunt's hosted event. But she should have known better that Rome was nothing like what she thought.

"Aren't you supposed to be helping around?" Aiane curiously asked, a frail attempt at changing the topic. She need not to be reminded of her fiasco. "It's your Aunt's party in the first place."

"I've helped enough. Besides, she told me to socialize tonight."

Aiane chuckled softly when Rome rolled his eyes at the mention of socialize. She could feel him somehow. She wasn't much a "people person" herself. She'd rather be with books than with actual living person.

"And have you had any success with that since?"

Rome's wrinkling of his nose was enough to know the answer was a clear none.

Natawa tuloy siya sa itsura ng kaibigan.

"The night's still young, you still got a lot of tables to jump into." she told him in between her chuckles. "I'm sure you'll find your luck."

"Don't jinx it." he grumbled.

Before Aiane could answer, the emcee greeted them again with so much enthusiasm she wished it was contagious enough to lift her spirits up.

Everything the emcee said didn't quite register in her mind since she didn't pay much attention to it, all she could make up was that there's a spotlight and something about a mistletoe.

Aiane was still slumped in her seat when a single spotlight centered in on her— on them both, catching everyone's attention.

She frozed.

What was happening?

"Congratulations!" the emcee's annoying high-pitched blared on the speaker. "You are the lucky pair to do the mistletoe kiss!"

Her eyes bulged, threatening to come out of its sockets.

"There are no mistletoes here," she whispered under her breath, which didn't escape Rome's ears.

"Actually there are. There are specific spots where the mistletoes are." Rome informed, sitting properly now. "I didn't know what was that about until now."

"Do the kiss!" someone shouted from the crowd.

Her face turned crimson red. The spotlight was still on them and it was getting more uncomfortable for her, the attention.

All eyes were on them, waiting. Then the chanting started, pressuring her as her mind debated with itself.

Rome cleared his throat, bringing her back from her thoughts.

"It's okay if you—"

"No," she cut him off, tone serious. "Let's just do this, okay?"

"Are you really sure?"

Was she really sure? Is the sun hot?

Of course she wasn't!

It would be her first kiss, not that anybody cared. But it should be special, right? Firsts should be special.

"I am."

Rome stared at her for a minute, making her want to hide herself under a rock forever, never to be seen by the sunlight ever again.

"Just get on with it." she gritted her teeth.

"This'll be quick."

Aiane closed her eyes tightly as she felt Rome's breath fanning against her face. She felt his palm on her left cheek, cradling it carefully before she felt his lips descended into hers.

It lasted no longer than thirty seconds. Their lips just brushed against each other so lightly, like a feather, and his lips were gone as fast as it came brushing into hers.

"I told you it'll be quick." he whispered as he rested his forehead against hers. "Was it your first?"

She hummed in reply.


And quick it really was.


For updates, news, information and just stuffs.. follow me on twitter: @pwnywrtswp :)))

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