Hello, Fire

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Hello, Fire (Asher & Flame)

Asher Lars

The infamous line, "Love is blind" usually connotes to people being actually blind for loving or liking someone that is way under their— or other people's— standards.

But for Asher Lars, being blinded by love meant: disregarding one's character and behaviour, no matter how awful that is, and, not recognizing love when it's already right in front of you.

And the latter slapped him right across his face. Hard.


"Good morning, Ice Boy!" Flame forcefully pulled the blanket off of Asher's body. She beamed down at him, her red hair dangling at both side of her face. "Time to get up and bathe, we have somewhere to go!"

He just groaned and rolled on his stomach.

"Asher!" Flame called, tugging his arm. "Get up!"

"Five more minutes, Red-head."

"No, get up.. now." Flame insisted, still pulling him by his arm.

He flipped himself over, laying on his back, his face crumpled. "Flame,"

"Asher," she called, mimicking his voice.

Asher sighed. "Fine. I'll just take a quick bath."

Flame beamed at him again before starting to fix his things inside his room. If someone would see this, they might think that she's a chamber maid.

She's always tidying up his room. And him. Ever since he came back from California after his break-up with Callie, she made sure to bombard his life with her never ending nagging and reprimanding. Hers was a lot worse than her own Mom. But surprisingly, hers wasn't that.. annoying to him. Weird.

When he emerged from the bathroom— dressed and decent, he leaned against the doorframe and stared at Flame who was moving in and around his room: fixing his bed, picking up his discarded clothes and trashes and tidying up his mess on his study.

The view was, somehow, perfect. And beautiful. Like things just fit perfectly into each other.

Him and Flame, in the future, on their own home.. busy with stuffs for their childre—

Wait, hold up one second.

Where did that come from?

He shook his head, pushing the thought away. He cleared his throat to get her attention— and to dismiss the awkwardness that was starting to build inside him.

He can't be awkward with Flame now. Not when they have known everything about each other. Not when they have been with each other since diapers.

"Good, you're done." Flame dusted the hem of her dress off and looked at him. "Let's go?"

Asher gave a curt nod and went for the door.

The drive was fast and silent. For the first time in so many years.. he didn't know what to say to Flame, to his best friend!

Something was really wrong with him since three weeks ago, and it's just getting bad recently.

He suddenly just stopped complaining about Flames's nagging, that was the first. Then he started looking forward for mornings, waiting for Flame to pull his blanket off of him and greet him with her loud good mornings. Then he started going out of his room when Flame invited him out one time, even Flame was surprised that he said yes. And then he'd look forward to their outdoor activities and Flame's everyday visits. And then just this morning, he just imagined himself being with her in the future, with kids and all those married and family stuffs he shouldn't be thinking in the first place.

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