Night of Lasts

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Night of Lasts (Enzo & Aiane)

Enzo Alexander

"Hey, love."

Enzo stiffened the moment he heard the voice, more so when he heard the term of endearment once again, after so many years.

He closed his eyes; mind focus, senses on high alert. He just had to made sure that we wasn't just imagining it, that his mind wasn't toying with his emotions. Again.

He had one too many daydreams ever since. And by now, he couldn't even trust himself when it comes to this.

But this one felt so real, his mind taunted him.

"I see you've gotten so much fond of music," she commented, bringing him back from his deep thoughts.

It reminds me of you, a part of his mind wanted to reply but he decided against it.

Slowly, he turned to finally face her. Hoping that she won't disappear just like how she used to in his previous daydreams.

He took a breath before looking up.

And she was there, she's still there, smiling at him. He just stared, dumbfounded; unable to find the words to say.

She tilted her head slightly to the side, eyes curious— as it always was.

"Aren't you.." she hesitated for a bit, "happy to see me?"

He didn't say anything, he just stared. He couldn't believe his eyes, he strongly believes that he's just dreaming this because there's no way that this was real.

Aiane, the curious girl that she was, started taking huge, careful steps toward him. He suddenly got alarmed, he didn't want her to finally disappear again but it was too late.

Aiane was already a few inches away from him, her right hand reaching to cup a side of his face and he nearly stumbled when he felt that familiar warmth seeping into his skin.

He closed his eyes, revelling the moment he thought he'd never have; taking in the warmth he'd been searching for for years.

"Enzo, are you okay?" Aiane asked.

Ah! Her soft, sweet voice. My Aiane. he thought with a smile.

"Enzo," Aiane called, there was worry in her voice. "I can't stay longer, please say something."

That's when he opened his eyes. He was welcomed with Aiane's pair of beautiful orbs, staring at him with worry.

"I miss you," he whispered.

That elicited a soft chuckle from her. "Don't you always?" she teased.

Enzo smiled.

"Ah, there it is.." Aiane said triumphantly, "I've been waiting for that smile, love."

Enzo shook his head, a smile still on his lips.

"I might go back any time soon, Enzo." Aiane sadly announced. "What happened?"

Enzo take a good look at Aiane: alive, breathing, talking, moving, in flesh. He took that all in before he said, "Dance with me.."


"Before you go," he interrupted, "dance with me, Athena."

Aiane nodded and stepped into Enzo's waiting arms. He instantaneously wrapped his arms around her, carefully guiding her head to lean onto his shoulder— which she did. They both swayed slowly along with the music, relishing every passing moment of the night.

"Enzo, I can't stay." Aiane whispered, her arms wrapped around Enzo so tight she didn't really want to let go. "I can't hold much longer."

"I know," he replied, hugging Aiane close to him as possible. "I know."

They both stopped after a moment, and Enzo, out of his own will, forced himself to pull away from Athena's warmth.

He drew a small, tight smile.

"I love you, Athena. Please know that." he cupped her face before leaning down to plant a soft kiss on Aiane's lips.

It was chaste, slow and soft.

When they parted, Aiane hugged him again and whispered, tears holding back, "I love you, Enzo."

And then it was over.

She's gone again, back to the time where that Aiane really belongs to, like it never happened.

He was left standing in the middle of the room, light's dim, music playing on the background, and his arms void and empty of the warmth he longed for for so many years.



Hey, guys! I'm back with a short update! It has been.. seven months since I last updated. (Wow, I took that long off writing here. 😂) Please forgive me, I'm so out of practice in writing a boyxgirl pairing. 😂

Please enjoy!

I didn't edit this one so if there are any errors or you simply want to give any critics on this, please feel free to do so! I would really appreciate it if you'd leave feedbacks, too. I will read them all. (And please suggest stories that I can read, too, thank you!)

Also, thank you belandrestricia for the new cover! I love all of them but this one really got me! ❤︎

See you on the next update, then?

With love,
— PJ 💋

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