Chapter Thirteen: General Lee's Revenge

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Bo sat down on the steps next to Wilma.

"Good mornin'," Bo said to her.

Wilma looked at him and smiled. "Mornin', how'd you sleep?"

Bo shrugged. "Best I could worryin' about what mighta happened to Hughie."

"Fair enough."

They sat in silence for a moment, watching the sunrise. As that moment of silence came and went, a loud explosion rattled the land.

"What was that?" Wilma exclaimed.

"I dunno but it sounded like it came from somewhere near the old mill," Bo explained, standing up.

"Well, whatever it was, I'm checkin' it out."

Wilma got up and went to her truck. Bo ran after her, climbing in as well.

"Don't think you're goin' out there alone, either," he argued.

Wilma started her old truck up, the engine sputtering then roaring to life. They began the drive towards the old mill as more explosions went off.


Luke drew back another dynamite arrow as he took cover behind Christine. A few more gunshots rang out over them. He let the arrow loose and watched as Jackson and Hughie's henchmen dove for cover. From around a nearby tree, Rosco fired two warning shots at them.

"Leave it to that coward not to show his face!" Rosco growled.

"Typical Hughie. Try not to kill 'em, Rosco, we'll need them if we wanna find Hughie when this's all over."

"Heads up!" Cooter yelled.

Rosco and Luke each ducked as Wayne and Floyd shot at them.

Luke laughed softly. "More like heads down."

"Did you really just make that joke?" Christine asked.

Naturally, Luke ignored her, unable to understand.

Just then, General Lee blew his Dixie horn, charging Floyd, and sending him flying into the woods as Wayne dove to the side. Wayne shot at him a couple of times, but his bullets didn't hurt General. General charged him, and again, he dove out of the way. Only this time, Stripes intercepted, running him over.

With two cars occupied with killing, two more as blocks, and another trying to locate Hughie, Jackson saw this as an opportunity to get revenge. As he launched himself off the black Trans Am and onto Cooter Davenport, his knife glinted in the sunlight. As he brought his arm down to stab the mechanic, Cooter grabbed his wrist in one hand.

"It's over, Jackson. Just give up while you still got the chance," Cooter growled.

"I'd rather die than go back to prison," Jackson argued, fighting against Cooter's strength.

Cooter stared Jackson in the eyes, looking for some kind of weakness. He found something, but it wasn't what he'd been looking for. "Seven years ago, you were never gonna kill Bo, were you?"

Jackson smiled wickedly. "How'd you guess?"

Cooter grabbed ahold of Jackson's left arm with his free hand and pushed him to the ground. He pulled the knife from his grasp, quickly throwing it into the brush. In one fist, he held Jackson by the shirt, the other he pulled back, ready to punch him.

"You wanna hear what my plan was?" Jackson asked.

Cooter cursed under his breath and punched him in the mouth. Jackson only laughed and spat out one of his teeth. He quickly revealed his plan to Cooter, who could only stare at him in shock and anger. With Cooter distracted, he returned the punch he'd received, causing him to reel backward. Jackson quickly stood, pulling a hidden gun from the back of his belt and aiming it at Cooter.

"End of the line, wild man," he sneered.

Just then, the short beeps of a little horn sounded, and a little white Volkswagen tackled Jackson. As Herbie pinned Jackson down, an old pickup came roaring into the scene.

Cooter pushed himself to his feet, running to meet the truck. Bo and an old woman stepped out, the woman holding a shotgun.

"What's goin' on here?" Bo asked.

"Oh, nothin', just a little bit of savin' Hazzard, a little bit of takin' down Hughie Hogg, y'know, nothin' special," Luke replied sarcastically from his place sitting atop Christine's hood.

"Glad to see you're back safe, I got some nasty reports from the cars," Cooter said, looking him up and down. "On second thought, you look like crap."

"Yeah, thanks, it's been rough these past twenty-four hours," Bo chided.

Suddenly, another gunshot echoed through the trees, and they heard Rosco curse under his breath.

"Get back here you little weasel, I ain't finished with you yet!" he growled.

They all turned to see Hughie running into the woods with Rosco after him. As Hughie reached the tree-line, he was thrown backward, forcing Rosco to jump out of the way. As Thunder emerged, electrical sparks flickered between his grill and his push-bar.

"Anyone order barbecued ribs?" he asked nonchalantly.

Hughie stood slowly, still trembling from the electric shock, his hair standing on end.

Rosco growled and began walking towards him. "Let's get him."

"Let us handle this," General rumbled to Cooter.

Cooter put out his arm to stop Rosco. "The cars'll handle this. I suggest we start spreadin' the good word of Hughie's losses."

"Good idea, I think we'll all be happier once life turns normal again," Luke added.

"Excuse me, what should I do with this one?" Herbie asked.

Cooter turned to him. "Ah, sheriff'll take care of it."

He pushed Rosco towards Herbie.

"I what now?" Rosco asked sternly.

"You're gonna put Jackson in the slammer and make sure that he don't ever get out again," Cooter growled menacingly.

"Right, that's what I'll do."

As General Lee's Army began to close in on Hughie, the young Hogg began to beg them for his life. However, they ignored him, after all, that was what most humans did when they were trying to say something.

General Lee's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now