Chapter Five: Someday the Mountain Might Get 'em but the Law Never Will

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At first, Jesse just stared as if Daisy'd gone mad. Then, he looked from her to Bo and Luke, who were standing off at a distance waiting for Jesse to go off at them. Then, he looked from Bo and Luke to Boss Hogg, who had been doing pretty much the same thing, despite him stuffing his face with the family's supply of cookies.

All four of them waited silently for Jesse to yell or start going off at somebody, but he didn't. He just got up and walked off. When he came back, he had Rosco by the tie. He grabbed Boss Hogg by the arm and led them outside.

Bo, Luke, and Daisy followed to see what was going to happen. They watched as Jesse shoved them toward Boss Hogg's car and waved them off angrily.

"Please, Jesse, have mercy. I'm your old friend, remember? You see, it was Rosco's idea to give 'em the fake money in the first place," Boss Hogg lied.

"Now that's just a big ol' lie, Jesse, I had nothin' to do with that scheme!" Rosco argued.

"I shoulda known you had a hand in this, J.D., but the fact that my boys risked their lives to save your miserable hide is one thing. Now, you've been fightin' against us Dukes for years and years. You've cheated people outta their money time and time again because of your greedy, selfish ways. If it'd been the other way around, you'd have turned them over gladly. Now let me ask you somethin', J.D.: Why would Bo or Luke's life have any less value than yours?" Jesse asked.

"It wouldn't," Boss Hogg replied in a guilty tone.

"Knowin' you Boss, it'd probably have less value than theirs," Rosco added matter-of-factly. He then laughed his signature laugh, and ended with an, "I love it."

"J.D., you gotta promise me nothin's gonna happen to 'em. I don't care how dangerous that Russell fella is, just keep him as far away from Hazzard County as possible," Jesse instructed, his voice softer now. "Get inside and help me clean up this mess you made for us."


That night, Enos and Cletus visited them. Cletus had a black eye and Enos's blood pressure was up. Enos began by explaining how Cletus and one of the revenuers had gotten into a "disagreement" of sorts. Enos had tried to break it up but the revenuer had taken a swing at Cletus and bruised his eye. Then, he'd started going off at Enos for no reason at all.

"Well, how dare they talk to you like that sugar! This ain't their town it's yours!" Daisy exclaimed.

"Oh, don't worry about me Daisy, I just came here to warn y'all that them guys were hangin' around the Boar's Nest for a bit. I think you oughta stay away from there," Enos said.

"Don't worry Enos, nobody here is gonna be goin' over there anytime soon," Luke replied.

"Not unless I want all my ribs broken," Bo added.

"You don't need to worry, Enos," Jesse said reassuringly, "nobody's leavin' this farm until them Clayton and Russell fellas decide to skip town."

"But Uncle Jesse, who's gonna restock the food when Boss here eats it all?" Luke asked.

"I'll take care of the errands now, don't you worry. The last thing I got in this world is you three, and I don't wanna lose you." Jesse shifted from foot to foot, suddenly feeling awkward.

"I'm sorry Uncle Jesse, but Luke's got a point there. It ain't fair that they gotta stay stuck here," Cletus argued.

"It's for their own good, and I ain't your Uncle Jesse."

Daisy pulled Cletus aside to talk to him. "Don't worry about us, we'll be fine. It's only natural for Uncle Jesse to be overprotective, remember?"

"Yeah I know, but it's just that you know how Bo and Luke are," Cletus argued.

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