Chapter Twelve: This Means War

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Christine tore into the front of Cooter's Garage, honking her horn and flashing her lights. She began to blast her radio, and the sound of the Beatles singing Help! quickly filled the air. As Herbie jolted awake, the lights inside of the garage illuminated the area. Christine's radio died down as Cooter himself walked out of the garage. He waved to her as Stripes and Trigger rolled up beside her, Trigger placing himself between the feuding cars.

"Cooter? What're you doing here, I thought you were in Chickasaw," Christine rumbled.

"Herbie called me and told me what was all goin' down. He picked me up at the landin' along with Luke and Rosco," Cooter explained.

"Luke and Rosco? Luke I can understand, but why Rosco?"

"He insisted. I guess Rosco's got quite the grudge against Hughie, said he didn't wanna miss out on the chance to get rid of him once and for all. Anywho, what're y'all doin' here?"

Just then, Thunder came around the corner with General Lee in tow. The smile on Cooter's face faded, and his eyes narrowed.

"What happened?" he asked angrily.

Thunder let General down and turned to him. "It was my fault, I was irresponsible. I left Bo thinkin' that Christine had called me for an emergency when really she just wanted help recruitin' more cars to the team. Unfortunately, Hughie Hogg and his men got ahold of him while I was with the others. Trigger and I went to go get him, but we messed up. General came in at the last minute and the buildin' fell on him. He got burned up pretty bad.

"Pretty bad? Thunder, in this state General could need an entirely new body! When you pushed him down that ravine," Cooter pointed to Trigger, "I needed to replace nearly every part of him! Doors, fenders, top, the works!"

Christine pulled forward, standing in front of Thunder and Trigger. "You did it once before, you can do it again. Replace every part of him if you have to, I don't care how long it takes."

"You guys need to figure out how to get along better," a weak engine rumbled.

They all turned to see General sitting tall and proud as if there wasn't a scratch on him. Just then, he sputtered and coughed, sinking back down on his suspension.

"It don't matter who's to blame. What matters is what's goin' on right now. If we're gonna bring Hughie down, we have to do it fast. When he looks at us, all he sees is a bunch of washed-up, rusty cars whose value ain't worth the shell off a snail's back. But he's got us dead wrong. We're an army, you're my army. Now, are we gonna stand here bickerin' over who we should blame for all this or should we put out the fire altogether and get rid of Hughie Hogg?" General asked.

Trigger rolled towards him. "General, with all due respect, you're in no condition to fight, much less drive anywhere."

"Then either put me back into condition or settle it amongst yourselves and come up with a plan."

The other cars all looked to Cooter, who sighed. He took his cap off and itched the back of his head. "I've got some spare parts from an old Charger in my barn for obvious reasons. I'll see what I can work with, but we're gonna need to get my weldin' gear and some tools from here out to the farm."

"I can carry the welding supplies," Thunder stated.

"And I can carry the tools!" Christine and Stripes said in unison.

The two of them glared at each other, headlights flickering violently.

"For the sake of all that's good and holy on God's green Earth, I'll be the one carryin' the tools just to keep you two canvas-heads from each others' throats," Trigger intervened. "No offense Herbie."

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