Part 1, Chapter One: Under One Roof

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It was around three o'clock in the morning when a specific basset hound jumped into Bo and Luke Duke's bedroom through the window, followed by a nervous lawman and a dressed-up marshmallow. Flash jumped up onto Bo's bed and started licking his face while Rosco was busy helping Boss in through the window. Bo slowly opened his eyes and reeled back. He wiped his face and spat. Reaching over, he turned on the lamp on the nightstand. Boss Hogg fell onto the floor, and the room lights came on.

He and Rosco looked up, startled. Bo jumped out of bed, and ran to the door, causing enough noise to wake Luke. Rosco began to run after him, but Luke blocked him. Bo ran down the hall to Jesse's room. He burst through the door and flipped on the light switch, Jesse sitting up in bed groggily.

"What're you wakin' me up for?" he hissed.

"Rosco and Boss Hogg 're in our bedroom!" Bo exclaimed.

With a surprised and worried glance, Jesse climbed out of bed and followed him out. Luke was still at the door still fighting with Rosco. Jesse pushed Luke aside and looked Rosco up and down.

"Now, we'd better get this thing straightened out or you two are goin' back out that window and onto the street!" Jesse said.

"W-well y-you see sir, ah, the boss here done got busted by the Feds for ah, runnin' shine," Rosco answered nervously.

Boss Hogg nodded. He knew it, Jesse knew it, the Dukes knew it, everybody knew it. This wasn't news. The question was, however, why the Dukes?

Jesse let out a sigh. "Alright, y'all can sleep out in the livin' room tonight. We can work the rest of this out in the mornin'."

Boss Hogg and Rosco followed Jesse out without any further discussion.

"C'mon Flash," Rosco called.

Flash didn't come. Rosco whistled, but the dog still did not come.

"If you keep doin' that you're gonna wake up Daisy, now go," Jesse grumbled.

Jesse shooed them out, and Luke turned the lights off. Bo lay back down, and Flash jumped back up onto his bed and lay down next to him. Bo turned over on his side, trying to avoid the dog, but Flash crawled over his legs and tucked herself under his arm.


The next morning, as they all were in the kitchen for breakfast, Bo decided to give Rosco a piece of his mind. He was holding Flash in his arms as he walked around the table and dumped the dog unceremoniously in Rosco's lap. Bo wiped his face and flicked his fingers at him.

"Next time when you call your dog, and she don't come, carry her out," he said angrily.

He sat down at his place at the table, next to Boss Hogg. 

Just then, Daisy came out and greeted all of them.

"Bo, Luke! How'd you sleep?" she asked sweetly.

"I didn't," Bo replied shortly.

"Oh, well that ain't good. Maybe you should drink some coffee just to wake up a little."

"No, it's alright Daisy, thanks."

"I'll take some, Daisy," said Boss Hogg.

Daisy shot him an angry look and rolled her eyes.

As Jesse set the food down on the table, Boss Hogg reached for some. Jesse slapped his hand away.

"Wait until we pray," he said.

Boss Hogg reeled back, rubbing his hand. Daisy set a cup of coffee down in front of him, nearly spilling it on him purposefully, but Jesse gave her a look and told her to sit down. They all bowed their heads and were silent as Jesse said grace. A few moments passed, and soon they all began to eat, Rosco feeding Flash little bits at a time.

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