Chapter Ten: Icy-Hot

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Bo woke to his own uncontrollable shivering. Everything was blurry beyond the first nine inches from his face. From what he could see, his hands were bound in front of him, bearing large bruises. No, those aren't bruises, that's frostbite, Bo thought.

From somewhere in the room, there was a large argument going down. He recognized the voices but couldn't see what was going on.

"You imbecile! How many times have I told you? You don't touch the Dukes unless I tell you!" Hughie exclaimed.

"Yeah, and when's that gonna be? You know what you are, Hughie? A coward, a bloody coward! To you, I might just be some stupid Cajun, but at least I don't curl up in the path of every shadow that crosses me," Sorrel argued.

"At least I'm smart enough to know how to do simple tasks such as followin' orders!"

Sorrel growled. "Sit on it, Hogg!"

Hughie cussed him and there was a loud crash.

"I could kill you... so easily," Sorrel snarled with a maniacal laugh.

Hughie coughed. "Get outta my sight!"

Sorrel scoffed, then turned to leave. "Find me again, Hogg, and I'll cut your throat."

The door slammed shut, causing Bo to flinch. Hughie got up, muttering and brushing himself off. Bo could hear him getting closer, then see him as his vision began to clear.

Hughie sighed. "So hard to find good help these days."

Bo heard him laugh softly. He tried to move, tried to say something, but his body wouldn't comply. Hughie walked behind him and a small click sounded off.

"You know, I think Sorrel was on to somethin' with this," Hughie sneered.

Bo was suddenly hit with a blast of cold as Hughie walked back around into his field of sight. With his foot, Hughie pushed Bo closer to the freezer.

"Now tell me, Bo, where's the rest of your family hidin'?" Hughie asked.

"What's it... to you?" Bo coughed out.

Hughie laughed once more. "There's a fortune to be made, but... I wouldn't expect you to understand."

"T-try me."

Hughie stopped pushing him. He thought for a moment with pursed lips before closing the freezer door. He grabbed Bo by the arm, pulling him up to sit. Bo winced, the sudden movement had been quite painful.

"You saw what I was plannin' to do with Hazzard, an industrial haven. However, that's just the surface of it all. Now, before I start gettin' into it, about the places that I left untouched. I had some of my people distract the public while I took soil samples from various parts of the county. Fun fact, the very land we're standin' on is rich in coal reserves. So, with the profit from the strip mines, and the massive exports, I'll be makin' millions, maybe even billions!" Hughie exclaimed.

"What's the catch?" Bo asked.

Hughie laughed yet again. "Alright, I admit, I ain't nowhere near that legitimate. The certain 'exports' I mentioned, is really an umbrella term. I'm talkin' illegal whiskey, counterfeit, contraband, the works! Once the criminal underworld sees my success, they'll all be beggin' me to take their money! I'll be richer and more famous than Al Capone!"

"Why Hazzard? Why not somewheres else? Hazzard ain't nothin' special, why can't you do this somewhere more... I dunno, noticeable?"

"Because! After the people of Hazzard chewed me and my brother up and spat us out, I felt obligated to return the favor."

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