Chapter Eight: The Reconnaissance

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It was the first day that they hadn't heard of the chaos Hughie Hogg was bringing down on Hazzard. The first day that the smell of gunpowder didn't waft downstream from it. And it was the first day that Cooter asked William Smith if he had a CB.

"Yeah, I got one in the kitchen," William replied, pointing his thumb towards the kitchen behind him.

Cooter tipped his hat anxiously and stalked briskly to the kitchen. Bo, Luke, Daisy, and Enos followed, drawn by curiosity. They watched as Cooter switched to channel three, brought the microphone up to his mouth, and sent out a call.

"General Lee? Christine? Either of y'all listenin'? Come back," Cooter called.

A series of noises erupted over the other end of the radio.

Cooter turned back to look at the others' puzzled faces. "My apologies for wakin' you up so early, but I'm gonna need one of ya to meet me at the Sumter Landin', we've got some reconnaissance to do."

Another series of noises came from the other end. Bo, Luke, Daisy, and Enos all exchanged glances.


Cooter powered off the CB and turned around to face them, knowing that a blizzard of questions was coming.

"Cooter, if this's your idea of some kinda twisted prank, it ain't very funny," Luke said.

"What were all those weird noises?" Daisy asked.

"Who was that?" Enos asked.

"I ain't playin' no prank, that was General Lee on the other end," Cooter explained.

"Our car is talkin' to you on the CB?" Bo asked, unamused.

"I know it sounds a little crazy, but I'm serious about this. Ask Boss Hogg and Rosco, they know all about it."

"Cooter, now you know that don't make no sense. General Lee's a car, he ain't alive," Luke argued.

"Then you explain why he takes up a mind of his own whenever he senses there's somethin' wrong. Or explain why he makes all them noises by himself, 'cause that's what you heard on the other end of that there radio."

They all grew quiet, unsure of how to respond.

Cooter sighed. "Either way, I'm goin' back to Hazzard, I gotta see what's all gone down. I promise I'll let y'all know the moment I get to the bottom of it all."

"Cooter, are you crazy? They'll kill you!" Luke argued.

"That's a risk I'm willin' to take. You know as well as I do that somebody's gotta do it, and better me than you." Cooter gestured to Luke's injured leg.

They could all see Luke's blood begin to boil as he scowled.

"I agree with Cooter, but I think it'd be better if I went," Bo suggested.

"Stay outta this, Bo," Luke growled, not looking at him.

"At least I can walk right." Bo scrunched up his face, the left side beginning to bleed as soon as he did.

"Why do you even wanna go anyway?" Luke pushed past Cooter to talk to Bo face to face.

Bo wiped the blood from his face with the back of his hand. "It's personal this time."


Bo pulled his hat down low as he walked the deserted street. He couldn't help but stare at the dark green pickup that rolled along next to him, keeping perfect pace. There were black burn scars that stretched far and wide across its body, they branched off in all different directions, making the truck look like a tree.

General Lee's RevengeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz