Chapter Eleven: Justice For All

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The next morning was a peaceful one. The sun was shining, it was somewhat quiet, and it was neither too hot nor too cold. Russell was very drunk, as always, but today it was in celebration because J.D. Hogg and Rosco P. Coltrane were surrendering themselves to Clayton and Russell. Bo and Luke would finally be able to go home.

It was, as of this time, that Bo and Luke were loading the Trans Am with crates. They didn't know what was inside, nor did they care. If it meant making it to the end of the day, then so be it.

As Bo was carrying the last crate out of the barn, Russell kicked the back of his knee. Bo stumbled to the ground and the crate he was carrying went flying. It hit the ground with a loud crash as its contents broke and spilled into the dirt. The crate had been full of jars, all containing moonshine.

Bo got up quickly and started to back away from Russell. Luke quickly loaded his crate into the car and got ready to back Bo up for whatever was going to happen next.

Russell took his booze bottle and broke it over Luke's head, showering him with the liquor. The blow knocked him out cold. Bo threw a punch at Russel but the man caught it and began to crush his hand. Russell twisted his arm, forcing him onto one knee. Bo drove his fist into the man's gut, which only made him angrier. He threw Bo against the wall and punched him in the ribs. Bo tried to fight back but the pain was overwhelming.

Clayton saw that he was getting really hurt and gathered his wits. He pointed his gun in the air and pulled the trigger, breaking up the fight.


That night, Bo and Luke sent out their last CB radio call to Jesse and Daisy. The wait was killing all four of them. They were all anxious and they couldn't wait for all of this to be over. They didn't talk about Boss Hogg and Rosco's fate once the transaction was completed and Bo and Luke weren't aware of their plans to trick Clayton and Russell. So, with that, the call ended.

As soon as it did, Russell set two jars of shine in front of them. "Drink it," he ordered.

"But we-" Luke started.

Clayton cut him off with, "Just do it. Please."

Bo and Luke each took a drink from their jars. The shine had a skunky aftertaste and smelled more like perfume than it did moonshine. They both cringed, not wanting to take another drink.

"All of it," Russel growled.

He pulled out his gun and kept it pointed at Bo's forehead. Right between his eyes. He and Luke exchanged glances.

"See you on the other side cousin," Luke said, raising the jar to his mouth.

Bo did the same, choking it down quickly so he wouldn't have to deal with it for very long. Once they were both finished, Russell put his gun away and walked out of the barn.

"Right then, let's go. It's time for you two to go home," Clayton said.


Russell opened the fence gate and Jesse, Boss Hogg, and Rosco walked in.

"Alright, I got 'em here, now let me have my nephews back," Jesse ordered.

"You first," Russe.l sneered.

Jesse ceased eye contact with the man and whistled the first twelve notes of Dixie. Russell looked confused for a moment but then suddenly, there was an answer. A horn returned the tune.

"What was that?" Russell asked fearfully.

"I got someone here who wants to meet you. His name, General Lee. And he ain't too happy 'bout bein' thrown into a ravine," Jesse explained.

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