Chapter Two: Jackson

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Luke navigated through the hospital, becoming more and more nervous by each passing second. It was true, he hadn't come to visit his youngest cousin after a criminal by the name of Texas shot him, twice. The bullets had gone right through him, and he'd been shot in the most cowardly way possible, in the back.

Luke remembered a day back in Vietnam. That day he was no coward. It was that day he held a Viet Cong close to him, staring him right in the eyes as he put a bullet in his head. He always made sure they were facing him. 

Vietnam had made him who he was today. There was a reason he didn't fear Hollow Hill the way Bo did. There was a reason he faced accusations of being such a man of insensitivity.

Luke took a deep breath as he reached the correct hospital room. The door had been left open, allowing doctors and nurses to quickly exit and enter without having to worry about opening or closing a door. Before he could allow himself a second thought, he stepped inside the room. The moment he stole a glance towards the hospital bed, that same sickening feeling plagued his insides.

Bo looked as though he was dead. His skin was pale, and his eyes had become sunken in, casting dark shadows around them. The scars on his face took on the same characteristics as his eyes, having become dark and indented.

Luke wanted to leave, to forget what he was seeing, to go back to Cooter, and tell him that he'd been wrong. But he forced himself to stay, giving Cooter's words another chance. Minutes passed, and with each passing moment, Luke began to feel much better than he had before. Cooter had been right, and maybe, right about some other things too.

Luke sighed. "You're real lucky, Bo, I hope you realize that."

There was, of course, no response from the youngest Duke.


It was rather peculiar really, the way the General Lee's front end was smashed. Luke hadn't mentioned it, so maybe he hadn't noticed yet? Cooter ran his hand along the massive dent in the hood.

"What happened General, you run into a wall or somethin'?" Cooter wondered aloud.

"The corner of a buildin', but yeah, that'd be accurate."

Cooter jumped back, quickly removing his hand from the car's hood. Had the General Lee just spoken to him? He'd heard the rumble of the engine but had been able to make words out of it. Cooter leaned in close, looking into the General Lee's windshield.

"I see you."

Cooter jumped back once more. He looked around to make sure no one was watching him, before reaching inside the car and letting the brake off. He pushed it inside and shut the door.

"Ouch, stop pushing on my hood like that, that hurts!"

Cooter turned to the General Lee. "Are you... talkin' to me?"

"You can understand me?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes."

"But Luke can't understand me, neither can Daisy. Why's it you can?"

"I... I dunno, General, just natural talent I guess."

"You seem... I don't know... afraid of me. Do I scare you? You've known me forever."

Cooter began to feel bad. This car was just in need of a friend, and Cooter was acting like he was some kind of alien creature. General Lee was right, they'd known each other forever. "I'm sorry General, I know you just wanted a friend to talk to, and I'm bein' kinda rude to you ain't I?"

The car had nothing to say.

"I can fix you up, it ain't a big deal. I'll have you back on the road again in no time."

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