Chapter Ten: The Dawn of a Stupid Idea, and the Dawn of a Good Idea

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The day after Bo and Luke had befriended a German shepherd named Brutus, Luke thought about what Bo'd said a few days before about escaping and wondered if there was a possible way out. He figured that if they couldn't go under the fence, then maybe they could go over it. He explained his idea to Bo and they spent most of the day on the roof, pretending to be fixing something. Russell was having one of his drunken spells that day so they figured that the best way to stay away from him was to be on the roof.

They began by extending a wooden plank over the fence. It didn't seem very sturdy but it was the only thing they had to work with. Once the plank was nailed down and ready, Luke offered to go first.

"If it can hold me, it'll definitely hold you," he explained.

"Okay. Are you still sure this's gonna work?" Bo asked.

"We'll just have to see if it does or not."

With that, he started inching out onto the plank. He reached the edge and there was a loud crack. The plank broke in half, sending Luke down onto the barbed wire on top of the fence. The wire tore his shirt and skin. His feet hit the ground but his right arm became entangled on the wire.

"Ow, ow, ow," he said, a bit nonchalantly for a person in his situation.

Bo watched from his place on the roof, cringing. Luke managed to work himself free. He sat on his knees, admiring the damage the barbed wire had caused.

Just then, Luke heard the sound of liquid sloshing around in a glass bottle. He looked up to see Russell standing above him, whip already in hand. Luke silently pleaded. 



That night was quite miserable. It was cold and Bo and Luke's hands were tied. There was no way for them to treat their injuries, so they just bled all night. They both knew one thing for certain, escape was impossible.


While eating dinner that night, an idea was hatched. A brilliant idea that they should've thought of long ago. Either way, it was a good idea.

"So, what we're gonna do is trick Clayton and Russell to thinkin' that they gotcha," Jesse said.

"Right, I'll put in the CB call tonight so everything'll be ready by mornin'," Boss Hogg agreed.

"But we don't let 'em get us," Rosco remarked.

"Right. We make 'em think you're gonna let 'em get ya but Daisy, General Lee, Cooter, and I'll all be in the trees waitin' to ambush 'em," Enos confirmed.

"Then, once we do that, we'll be able to get Bo and Luke outta there," Cooter added.

Everyone agreed on the plan. Jesse turned to Daisy, who'd been quiet for the past week.

"You've been quiet for a long while Daisy, somethin' on your mind?" he asked.

Daisy perked up as if she'd just awakened from a trance. Jesse looked at her worriedly.

"Oh, it's just... I've been thinkin' a lot about Bo and Luke," she replied.

"Haven't we all? What about them's botherin' you so badly?" Jesse asked.

Daisy took a long, steady breath. "What if... what if they ain't the same?"

"What do you mean Daisy?" Cooter asked.

"I'm just worried about 'em comin' outta that place different."

"I'm sorry Daisy but that's just how the world works sometimes. It's true, they are gonna come back different but deep down, it'll still be the same Bo and Luke," Jesse said reassuringly.

Daisy sighed. "Okay, if you say so, Uncle Jesse."

When they were all done eating, Boss Hogg and Rosco got on the CB and passed the message to Hollow Hill; the sheriff and commissioner of Hazzard County were surrendering.

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