Chapter Seven: Midnight on Hollow Hill

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Bo really admired that car. It was no General Lee but it could be their ticket out of there. Two minutes was all he needed. Just two blasted minutes so they could hotwire the car and get out of there. But Russell stood at the barn doorway, keeping his gun pointed at Luke's back. One wrong move and it was over. Which was why Bo had come to absolutely and unconditionally hate him.

He was angry at him. Nothing made sense anymore. While Luke was trying to figure this out, Bo couldn't make any sense of it. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. Angry about the General Lee, the stupid scars he'd have on his face, and the fact that he and Luke were stuck here, and that no one seemed to care. It was going on twenty-four hours now. Hopes for rescue were growing dimmer by the minute. And Clayton and Russell, it was only natural for Bo to hate them. Who wouldn't?

Just then, Luke looked up. "Somethin' on your mind Bo?"

Bo rolled his eyes. "Always."

"Oh, I find that hard to believe."

Bo flicked soap at him. Luke cupped some water in his hand and threw it across the hood of the car. It spattered all down the front of Bo's shirt.

"Alright," he said laughing, "alright, truce."

Luke smiled up at him. Maybe they were going to get through this after all.


Daisy wanted to go back so badly but she couldn't go back on her word, she couldn't. Cooter would never know; if she could just sneak back there, maybe bring Bo and Luke something to eat.

Suddenly, Jesse's voice broke through the CB, "Shepherd to Bo Peep, Shepherd to Bo Peep. Come back."

She hesitated, but then reluctantly picked it up. "I'm here Uncle Jesse. What's up?"

"Nothin' too outta the ordinary. What was Cooter up to?"

"He's tryin' to save the General, but I don't think he'll be able to make a dent in the damage Clayton and Russell did."

"Oh, what a shame. Gah, I bet the two of 'em are makin' Bo and Luke fix theirs," Rosco growled from somewhere in the background.

"Either way, Cooter says that you're right Uncle Jesse, so don't you worry. I ain't goin' there anytime soon."

"Somehow I find that hard to believe," Jesse remarked skeptically.

"Would I ever lie to you, Uncle Jesse?"

He laughed. "Come on back Daisy, there's work to be done."

Daisy smiled and put the CB back in its place. She went along whistling as the Jeep's tires rumbled over the red, Georgia dirt.


Once Cooter had all the parts on the flatbed truck, he climbed up there and sat down next to the largest, most intact piece of the General Lee. He rested his chin on the roof of the car and rubbed the Dixie Flag.

"I'll make it better General, don't you worry," he whispered. "We'll show 'em that you ain't nobody to mess with."

There was a soft rumble within the car, but perhaps it was only the wind.


As the day wore on, Hollow Hill grew quiet. The dogs were quiet. Clayton and Russell refrained from talking with each other. Clayton didn't seem to pay much attention to Bo and Luke, but Russell kept an eye on them. He'd heard about them before. The many times when people like them had come to Hazzard, only to have their plans foiled by the Dukes. How hundreds of times they had cheated death and their quick getaways in the orange car. All four of them were frustratingly annoying. Russell wasn't taking any chances, he thought that Clayton was putting too much faith in miracles. Boss Hogg either had to pay up or turn himself in, which wasn't going to happen. If it were up to Russell, he would have just killed them and moved on already.

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