Chapter Eleven: Death of the Devil

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Enos and Cletus sat tied together in their chairs. They were back to back, tied up, and gagged. They watched the four people walk in, and they watched them leave with Luke. Once he was sure they were long gone, Enos nudged Cletus. Cletus perked up and Enos gestured to the CB on Rosco's desk. Cletus nodded, understanding Enos's plan. They scooted over to the desk, just close enough for Enos to get his face level with the microphone.

He leaned close to the edge of the desk and used the corner to pull his gag off. He set his chin down on the button and talked loudly into the CB.

"Sh-sheriff! Uncle Jesse! Mr. Hogg! Anybody, help, Hazzard law office!" Enos exclaimed.

"Enos? What in blazes' goin' on over there?" Cooter replied.

"Tied up... th-they came... took Luke... please help!"

"What's goin' on here?" Rosco asked.

"Trouble at the courthouse," Cooter explained.

"What about Luke?" Jesse asked.

"Could y'all just come to the law office and help us?" Enos pleaded.

"We'll be right there," they all said in unison.

Cooter, Jesse, and Rosco all arrived at the law office. After finding Cletus and Enos tied up, they became instantly worried. Rosco untied them while Jesse and Cooter headed downstairs. Upon seeing Bo lying on the floor, they both became quiet.

"Oh no," Jesse gasped.

Cooter ran to his friend's side and knelt down next to him. He picked up Bo's arm and felt for a pulse. He let out a sigh of relief upon finding one.

"He's alive," Cooter said in a relieved tone, turning to Jesse.

Jesse walked over and knelt down next to him. He touched Bo's shoulder. He was, of course, unresponsive. The sizable pool of blood flowing out of Bo's mouth didn't bother shrinking. They tried to turn him over. Bo's eyes flew open and a scream caught in his throat.

"Bo? What's wrong?" Jesse asked.

"B-back... hurts," Bo answered weakly.

Rosco appeared in the stairwell.

Jesse turned to him. "Call an ambulance."

Rosco nodded and ran back up the stairs.

Jesse and Cooter gently turned Bo over onto his back. The whole right side of his face was covered in blood. He fell into a coughing fit, sending more blood out of his mouth.


While Bo was well on his way to the hospital, Rosco resumed his duty out on patrol. He was out driving a backroad. It was a quiet, peaceful afternoon. He didn't think anything could keep him out there for too long, he found himself to be wrong.

A few miles in, there was a downed tree blocking the road. He got out of his patrol car and went to inspect the tree. It'd been hit by something. 

Well, Reverend, Reverend, please come quick

He walked farther into the woods, becoming more and more nervous with each step.

'Cause I got somethin' to admit

What was down here? What had caused that much damage to a full-grown, healthy Georgia Pine?

I met a man out in the sticks

Of Good Ole Miss.

He drove a Series Ten Cadillac and wore a cigar on his lip.

Rosco found more downed trees. There was blood spattered here and there.

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